Add a “Share Link” to your application

Sometimes my customers need to be able to get a direct link to a record in their APEX application which they can share with others (e.g. to publish it on a website, or send by email to a colleague).

They don’t want people to be able to easily “guess” the link (so it needs to have some degree of randomness and complexity), but it’s not so sensitive that if someone somehow gets the link by mistake it won’t be cause for alarm. They would like to be able to invalidate the link at any time, so if they send the link and then decide they don’t want people viewing the record anymore, they can mark it as “expired”.

Task 1. Generate the link

We have a table to which we want to create links for each record. It already has a surrogate key called id based on a simple sequence, so on its own this is not suitable for our link (we don’t want users just adding 1 to the id and iterating through all values to look up other records). Add a column to the table with a unique constraint:

alter table mytable add (
  link_code varchar2(50)
, constraint mytable_link_code_uk unique (link_code)

Update existing rows (if any) and make the column not null:

update mytable
set link_code = id || '-' || dbms_random.string('x',10)
where link_code is null;

alter mytable modify link_code not null;

Set its value using the following expression (e.g. this could be done in a page process, in your table API, or a table trigger):

create trigger bi_mytable before insert on mytable for each row
  :new.link_code := || '-' || dbms_random.string('x',10);

Note that the random string is more than likely to be unique for each record; but we prepend the unique ID as well which guarantees it to be unique. In addition, if a user sends us a link saying “this didn’t work”, we can visually parse it to see what the record ID was they were trying to access. This is needed because our design allows users to overwrite link_code (e.g. to expire the link).

Task 2. Build an APEX link page

Create a page (in my example, this will be page 100) to be the link resolver. It won’t have any complex regions or show any information, but will merely redirect the user to the page with the actual data (page 10, in my example).

Set it up as follows:

  • Alias: GO
  • Page Access Protection: Unrestricted
  • Region with title “Record not found”
  • Hidden item: P100_REF
    • Session State Protection: Unrestricted

Note: if the target page that shows the record is Public (i.e. the people getting the link cannot login to the application), this link resolver page will also need to be public – i.e. set Authentication to Page Is Public. On the other hand, if the target record is only available to authenticated users, the link resolver page should be restricted to authenticated users as well.

Add a PL/SQL Process that runs Before Header, with the following code:

  l_id number;

  select into l_id
  from mytable x
  where x.link_code = :P100_REF;

  -- requires APEX 5.1 or later
      (p_page        => 10
      ,p_clear_cache => 10
      ,p_items       => 'P10_ID'
      ,p_values      => l_id));

  -- use this on APEX 5.0 or earlier
      p_url => 'f?p='
            || :APP_ID
            || ':10:'
            || :APP_SESSION
            || ':::10:P10_ID:'
            || l_id));

  when no_data_found then

If the page gets a valid value for P100_REF, it will find the ID for the corresponding record and redirect the user to the page showing that record. If the link is invalid or expired, the page will not redirect but will show a “record not found” message.

Task 3. Show the link

We show the generated link on a page with an ordinary Text item.

Create an item on the page with the following properties:

  • Name: P10_LINK
  • Custom Attributes (or HTML Form Element Attributes): readonly
  • Session State Protection: Unrestricted

We need to generate the link using the page’s domain name, which (at least in some cases) we don’t know ahead of time. To do this, we need to get the page’s URL including host, port and path.

Create a dynamic action on page load. Set its condition so it only fires if P10_LINK_CODE is not null (if it doesn’t already exist, create P10_LINK_CODE as a hidden item based on the database column LINK_CODE).

The dynamic action needs two True Actions – firstly, Execute Javascript:

$s("P10_LINK", window.location.protocol + '//'
               + window.location.hostname
               + ':' + window.location.port
               + window.location.pathname);

Secondly, Execute PL/SQL:

:P10_LINK := :P10_LINK
          || '?p=&APP_ALIAS.:GO:::::P100_REF:'
          || :P10_LINK_CODE;

This dynamic action constructs the link using the current window’s URL including path (which includes the trailing “/apex/f” or “/ords/f“) and query string (“?p=...“).

When the user clicks the item, we want it to automatically select the entire link and copy it to their clipboard. To show this has happened, we show the word “Copied” on the screen.

  1. Create a Dynamic Action on the item – Event: Click
  2. Add a True Action on the Dynamic Action
    1. Action: Execute JavaScript Code
    2. Fire On Page Load: (unchecked)
    3. Code:;
$(this.triggeringElement).after(" Copied.")

Users who are looking at the record get a “Share Link” in a convenient item that they can copy-and-paste into emails or web pages. If you need to expire a link, simple update the record with a new link_code and the old links will no longer work.

Quick tip: List all interactive reports with email features enabled

I was working on an application in an APEX instance that was not configured for email (and would not be), but a number of interactive reports were allowing users to use the “Subscription” or the “Download as Email” features. If they tried these features, those emails would just go into the APEX mail queue and never go anywhere, so I needed to turn these off.

I listed all the interactive reports that need fixing with this query:

select page_id
from apex_application_page_ir
where application_id = <my app id>
and (show_notify = 'Yes' or instr(download_formats,'EMAIL') > 0);

Quick tip: List all tabular forms

I needed to get a list of all the tabular forms in my application along with which table they were based on. This query did the trick:

select page_id
      ,attribute_02 as data_source
      ,attribute_03 as key_column
from   apex_application_page_proc
where  application_id = app id...
and    process_type_code = 'MULTI_ROW_UPDATE'
order by 1, 2;

Quick tip: default only for new records

If you have an ordinary Oracle APEX form with the standard Automatic Row Fetch process, and the page has an optional item with a default value, APEX will set the default on new records automatically. However, if the user queries an existing record, Oracle APEX will also fill in a missing value with the default value. This might not be what is desired – if the user clears the value they would expect it will stay cleared.

If you only want the default to be applied for new records, change the attribute on the item so that the default is only applied to new records:

  1. Set Default Value Type to PL/SQL Expression
  2. Set Default value to something like:
    case when :P1_ID is null then 'xyzzy' end

A quick browse of the Beta APEX 18.1 documentation

Noticed a few additions, one one omission.

    • APEX_EXPORT – new package with supported methods for exporting APEX applications and other scripts into a CLOB: get_application, get_workspace_files, get_feedback, get_workspace
    • APEX_JWT – new package for JSON Web Tokens – encode, decode, validate
    • APEX_SESSION – new procedures: create_session, delete_session, attach, detach
    • Missing documentation: Legacy JavaScript APIs – not sure if anyone will miss this, they could just refer to the 5.1 documentation for this
    • I should mention also the new format for the APEX Javascript API reference. Lots of TODO’s 🙂

What I’m particularly looking for is a good reference for the interactiveGrid API. Hopefully they’ll add this soon. There is a reference for a “grid” widget but that is not the API for interactive grids. I notice there are APIs for actions and model which are relevant to interactive grids.

Any other changes I’ve missed?

Interactive Grid: Custom Select List on each row

I had a column in an editable interactive grid based on a Select List, which takes valid values from a table that supports “soft delete” – i.e. records could be marked as “deleted” without affecting existing references to those deleted records.

The SQL Query for the LOV was like this (my example is a view on a reference table of school “year levels”):

select name, id from year_levels_vw
where deleted_ind is null
order by sort_order

The problem is that if a year level is marked as deleted, the select list will not include it due to the where clause; since Display Extra Values is set to “Yes”, the item on the page will instead show the internal ID which is not very useful to the user. Instead, I want to show the name but appended with a string to show it has been deleted:

select name
       || case when deleted_ind = 'Y' then ' (DELETED)' end
       as disp_name, id
from year_levels_vw
order by deleted_ind nulls first, sort_order

So now the select list shows the name, even if it has been deleted. However, once users start using this system and they delete some year levels, each select list will include all the deleted values, even if they will never be used again. We’d prefer to only include a deleted value IF it is currently used by the record being viewed; otherwise, we want to omit it from the list.

If this was an APEX item in a single-record edit form, I’d simply change the SQL Query for the LOV to:

select name
       || case when deleted_ind = 'Y' then ' (DELETED)' end
       as disp_name, id
from year_levels_vw
where deleted_ind is null or id = :P1_FROM_YEAR_LEVEL_ID
order by deleted_ind nulls first, sort_order

This way, the select list will only include the deleted year level if the underlying item was already set to that deleted ID. But we are now using an Interactive Grid – there is no page item to refer to.

The method I’ve used to solve this is to take advantage of the Cascading LOV feature in order to allow the query to refer to the value of the column. The SQL Query for the LOV on my Interactive Grid is:

select name
       || case when deleted_ind = 'Y' then ' (DELETED)' end
       as disp_name, id
from year_levels_vw
where deleted_ind is null or id = :FROM_YEAR_LEVEL_ID
order by deleted_ind nulls first, sort_order

Now, we need to make sure that “FROM_YEAR_LEVEL_ID” is available to the query, so we need to put it in the Items to Submit attribute. To make this attribute available, however, we must set Cascading LOV Parent Column(s) to something; I set it to the PK ID of the table, or some other column which doesn’t get changed by the user and isn’t actually referred to in the LOV Query.

Now, records not referring to a deleted value show only valid values:

And records that refer to a deleted value include the deleted value in the list, as desired:

It should be noted that the design of the select list means that the user is allowed to save changes to the record while preserving the reference to the deleted year level. This is desired, in this case; if it wasn’t, however, I’d consider putting a validation on the page to stop the record being saved unless the user changes it to a valid value.

P.S. Concerned parents should note that this example was just testing the ability to delete a record from a database, and I’d just like to make it totally clear that there are no plans by the department to eliminate year 7 from schools. Honest!

ADDENDUM (19/3/2018):

There are two known issues:

  1. If the item is the child of a Cascading LOV, when the parent item is changed, APEX automatically clears out any value in the child before rendering the list of values – which means the column value submitted will be NULL – which means the “deleted” items disappear from the list immediately. This means the user will not be allowed to save the record with a reference to a deleted value from the list.
  2. The column filter list of values is empty – this is due to a known bug in APEX [Doc ID 2289512.1 FILTER NOT WORKING IN INTERACTIVE GRID WITH CASCADING LOV]. [thanks to Dejan for alerting me to this]

Report query with optional parameters

I received a question today from a developer who wanted to write a single static SQL query that could handle multiple optional parameters – i.e. the user might choose to leave one or more of the parameters NULL, and they’d expect the query to ignore those parameters. This is a quite common requirement for generic reporting screens, and there are two different methods commonly used to solve it.

Their sample query, using bind variables (natch), never returned any rows if any of the bind variables were null:

WHERE job = :P_JOB
AND dept = :P_DEPT
AND city = :P_CITY

This is expected, of course, because “x = null” always evaluates to “unknown”, and this causes the rows to be omitted.

Option 1: add “OR v NOT NULL”, e.g.


Option 2: use NVL, e.g.

WHERE job = NVL(:P_JOB, job)
AND dept = NVL(:P_DEPT, dept)
AND city = NVL(:P_CITY, city)

If the columns in the table do not have NOT NULL constraints on them, Option #2 will fail to return rows that have NULL in the relevant column – regardless of whether the user parameter is null or not. This is because “job = job” will always be “unknown” if job is null. In this case, Option #1 must be used.

If the columns do have NOT NULL constraints on them, then both Option #1 and Option #2 will work just fine. However, given the choice I would use Option #2 in order to take advantage of the potential performance optimisation that Oracle 12 can do with these types of NVL queries. There is a 3rd option, which is identical to Option #2 except that it uses the COALESCE function instead of NVL – but I would avoid this option as it will not get the performance optimisation.

On the other hand, if any of the attributes is the result of a costly operation (e.g. a function call), I would always use Option #1 (“OR NULL”) instead, because the NVL does not use short-circuit evaluation to avoid multiple function calls.

If there is a mix of columns that have NOT NULL constraints and others that don’t, I don’t really see any problem with mixing the two methods, e.g. in the case where dept has a NOT NULL constraint but job and city don’t:

AND dept = NVL(:P_DEPT, dept)

Here’s a question for you to think about. What if the business rule states that the report should omit records where a column is null (i.e. the column may have nulls but they don’t want those records to ever appear in the report)? You may as well use NVL, e.g. in the case where dept has a NOT NULL constraint, but job and city don’t, but the report should omit records where job is null:

WHERE job = NVL(:P_JOB, job)
AND dept = NVL(:P_DEPT, dept)

You might argue that future developers might be confused by the above query; it’s not exactly clear whether the developer intended to omit the records with null jobs, or if they made a mistake. Code comments might help, but alternatively you might choose to make the rule explicit, e.g.:

WHERE job = NVL(:P_JOB, job) AND job IS NOT NULL
AND dept = NVL(:P_DEPT, dept)

If you feel strongly about this one way or another, please leave your comments below 🙂

This topic is a reminder that when there are multiple possible solutions to a problem, the choice should not be taken arbitrarily; and we should avoid enshrining one choice in any standards document as the “one true way”. This is because the answer is often “it depends” – different options may be valid for different scenarios, and have advantages and disadvantages that need to be taken into account.

Further Reading

Convert an APEX Application to Multi-Tenant

So you’ve built an APEX application to solve a problem for one client, or one department, or just yourself – and you think it might be useful for others as well. How do you make that application available for other users, departments, or companies to reuse, while ensuring each sees only their own data and cannot mess around with others’ data?

Architecting a Multi-Tenant Application

To make your application multi-tenant you have a few options.

Option #1. Copy the application to another workspace/schema, another Pluggable Database (in Oracle 12c+) or another database server entirely.

Option #2. Modify your data model to allow completely independant sets of data to co-exist in the same physical tables (e.g. a security_group_id column that allows the database to discriminate data for each tenant).

The desirable properties of a multi-tenant system are as follows:

a. Tenant isolation – no tenant sees data for another tenant; no tenant can affect the app’s behaviour for another tenant; protect against “noisy neighbours” (i.e. those which impact system capacity and performance).

Hadlow’s first law of multi-tenancy: A multi-tenanted application should not look like a multi-tenanted application.”

b. Administration – ability to backup/recover all data for a single tenant; ability to give a degree of control to each tenant (self service).

c. Maintainability – simplicity of deploying enhancements and bug fixes for all tenants, or for one tenant at a time (e.g. rolling upgrades).

d. Scalability – ability to easily add more tenants, ability to add more capacity for more tenants.

Some of these properties are more easily and effectively achieved with option #1 (separate servers or schemas for each tenant), such as Isolation and Administration. Other properties are more easily and effectively achieved with option #2 (discriminator column) such as Maintainability and Scalability. This is a gross generalisation of course; there are many solutions to this design problem each with many pros and cons.

Some inspiration may be gained from examining how Oracle Application Express achieves this goal: multi-tenant has been baked into the product, via its concept of Workspaces. Each tenant can be given their own workspace in APEX and are able to build and deploy applications in isolation from other workspaces. Internally, APEX maintains a unique security_group_id for each workspace. This works very well – a single Oracle database instance can serve thousands or tens of thousands of workspaces.

It should be noted that a benefit of pursuing Option #2 is that it does not necessarily preclude using Option #1 as well, should the need arise later on – for example, to provide more capacity or better performance in the presence of more demanding tenants. For this reason, plus the fact that it’s much easier to maintain and enhance an application for all users at once if they’re colocated, I prefer Option #2.
Continue Reading

AUSOUG Connect 2017 – see you in Perth

I’ll be presenting a talk about some APEX applications I’ve been building gradually over the past five years at the AUSOUG Connect 2017 conference in Perth, Western Australia on 29 November.

My hope is that you’ll get some ideas on how best to set up the overall architecture for your APEX applications that may need to serve more than one customer – whether different organisations or different business groups within your organisation.

Although it’s just one day, there’s a lot of good content packed in for developers, DBAs and eBusiness professionals so you really don’t want to miss it!

I’m looking forward in particular to hearing the following talks:

For more info

  • Info and Registration
  • Perth Programme (subject to change)
  • Brochure

PayWay interface

This will not be of interest to most of my readers, but one person did ask.

This is just to document how my system (which was built quite a few years ago) handles credit card payments via Westpac’s payment gateway, PayWay. The interface is rather dated and the way my system uses it is a bit hackish (in other words, this is not best practice!) but for what it’s worth: