APEX Plugin: Password Strength Estimator

I needed a simple password strength prompt for users when they need to create or change their password on my website. After a bit of Googling I found the “Low-Budget Password Strength Estimator” which is supposedly used by Dropbox, so you know it’s good 🙂

This simple javascript library runs entirely within the client’s browser, and when presented with a candidate password, gives a score from 0 (very poor) to 4 (very good). It can also return extra feedback, including a warning message for poor passwords, as well as suggestions for making a password more secure.


So I’ve created a very simple Dynamic Action plugin (try the demo here) that allows you to add this functionality to any item on your page. You can specify a minimum length for the password, and can override the default messages for each score. You can also select whether or not the feedback warnings or suggestions are shown.


It seems to catch a lot of poor passwords, including ones comprising common words and names, and ones involving a simple sequence or repetition.



Obviously it’s only really useful for password entry fields; but don’t use it on your Login page!

Download from: http://github.com/jeffreykemp/jk64-plugin-passwordstrength

APEX Reports: One Link, Multiple Destinations

Every Interactive Report has an optional set of “Link” attributes that allow you to specify the location where the user should be redirected if they click a link next to a record in the report. You can choose “Link to Custom Target” and use the Link Builder to easily specify the target application, page, item values to pass, and other attributes.


What if the report combines different entities, and you need to direct the user to a different page depending on the type of entity? Or, if you need to direct the user to a different page with different attributes depending on the status of the record?

One method is to generate the URL in the report query using apex_page.get_url (APEX 5+) or apex_util.prepare_url (APEX 4 or earlier), or (God forbid) you could generate the url yourself using string concatenation.

A more declarative solution is to instead use APEX page redirects. This solution involves the following:

  1. Add some hidden items to the page to store the parameters for each target page;
  2. Add a Branch to the page for each target page; and
  3. Add a Request to the link to signal the page that a redirect has been requested.

This method does not work as described if you want to navigate to a modal page.

Here’s an example. My page 550 has an interactive report which combines TI records with TRQ records (both of which have a very similar structure). If the user clicks on a TI record they should be redirected to p510 with the corresponding TI_ID, and if they click on a TRQ record they should be redirected to p305 with the corresponding TRQ_ID.

Here’s the link attributes for this report:


Notice that the page now redirects back to itself with the request set to “GOTO_TARGET”, along with the IDs required. My report query has been constructed so that every record will only have a TI_ID or a TRQ_ID, never both at the same time; so the link will ensure that only one of the P550_GOTO_xxx_ID values will be set.

The page then just needs two Branches: one for each target. Conditions on each branch ensures they only get activated if the request has been set, and the branch is selected based on which “GOTO ID” item has been set:


For a normal navigation to this report (e.g. from another page), the request should be blank (or some other value) so none of the Branches should be triggered.

For a relatively simple scenario like this, I like the declarative approach. Each branch can take advantage of the full range of APEX features such as the link builder, security conditions, build options, etc.

Note: this method works just as well for Classic report links as well.

The thing to be mindful of is that the order of the branches, and the condition on each branch, must be carefully selected so that the correct branch is activated in each situation. I’ve shown a simple example which works because I have ensured that only one of the ID parameters is set at the same time. If a record has both IDs, the condition on the first branch “GOTO_TARGET (TI_ID)” will evaluate to True and it will be used, regardless of what GOTO_TRQ_ID was set to.

If there were numerous potential destination pages, with a large number of parameters to pass, I might choose the apex_page.get_url method instead. This is also what I’d usually do if the target was a modal page; alternatively, I’d use a “redirector” modal page as described in the comments below.


Using LetsEncrypt on Amazon Linux

sslapexFor a number of years now I’ve been using LetsEncrypt to provide free SSL certificates for the APEX applications I provide. These certificates last for 90 days and are renewed automatically by a simple script on my server.

By the way – if you’re not already using https for your public-facing APEX applications, you should, okay – even if your site doesn’t have data entry.

Each LetsEncrypt certificate can cover multiple subdomains. They don’t currently support wildcard domains (e.g. *.example.com) but they are planning to add this next year (2018).

To install LetsEncrypt I ran the following on my Amazon Linux instance (note – this is my web server, not my database server):

cd /opt
git clone http://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt
cd letsencrypt
./letsencrypt-auto -v --debug

(when prompted at the last step I typed “c” to cancel the subsequent steps)

It wasn’t easy at first because I got a number of errors which I’d google (or search the community forum) and eventually find reasonable answers. I’ve had to reinstall a number of times, as the OS is patched regularly and certbot is updated from time to time.

I use Apache to provide about a dozen virtual hosts and therefore the automated installation option didn’t work for me. Instead, I’ve got lines like these in each VirtualHost:

<VirtualHost *:443>
 ServerName subdomain.mydomain.com
 ServerAlias subdomain.mydomain.com
 SSLEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/cert.pem"
 SSLCertificateKeyFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/privkey.pem"
 SSLCertificateChainFile "/etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.com/chain.pem"

To register a certificate I used the following command as root (all one line):

certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html
-d mydomain.com,www.mydomain.com,sub1.mydomain.com,sub2.mydomain.com

This generates all the keys and certificates and stores them locally. No private keys ever leave the server. This command is using SAN to combine multiple subdomains in one certificate. I run this command again separately for each domain.

To renew all my certificates I run the following command as root:

/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew -n --no-self-upgrade
service httpd restart

This will automatically skip any certificates that are not yet due to expire. I’ve put the above script in a file which is run by cron on a monthly basis.

0 20 1 * * /path-to-script/renewall.sh

To get usage info on the options:

/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --help

Since it’s free, one cannot expect support from LetsEncrypt directly if there are issues; however, there is an active LetsEncrypt support community which can be helpful at times.

But it’s certainly made a big difference to my bottom line, and provided a bit of peace-of-mind to my users.


Compiling views: when the FORCE fails you

Darth-Vader-selfieThe order in which your deployment scripts create views is important. This is a fact that I was reminded of when I had to fix a minor issue in the deployment of version #2 of my application recently.

Normally, you can just generate a create or replace force view script for all your views and just run it in each environment, then recompile your schema after they’re finished – and everything’s fine. However, if views depend on other views, you can run into a logical problem if you don’t create them in the order of dependency.

Software Release 1.0

create table t (id number, name varchar2(100));
create or replace force view tv_base as
select t.*, 'hello' as stat from t;
create or replace force view tv_alpha as
select t.* from tv_base t;

desc tv_alpha;
Name Null Type
---- ---- -------------
ID        NUMBER
NAME      VARCHAR2(100)
STAT      CHAR(5)

Here we have our first version of the schema, with a table and two views based on it. Let’s say that the tv_base includes some derived expressions, and tv_alpha is intended to do some joins on other tables for more detailed reporting.

Software Release 1.1

alter table t add (phone varchar2(10));
create or replace force view tv_alpha as
select t.* from tv_base t;
create or replace force view tv_base as
select t.*, 'hello' as stat from t;

Now, in the second release of the software, we added a new column to the table, and duly recompiled the views. In the development environment the view recompilation may happen multiple times (because other changes are being made to the views as well) – and nothing’s wrong. Everything works as expected.

However, when we run the deployment scripts in the Test environment, the “run all views” script has been run just once; and due to the way it was generated, the views are created in alphabetical order – so tv_alpha was recreated first, followed by tv_base. Now, when we describe the view, we see that it’s missing the new column:

desc tv_alpha;
Name Null Type
---- ---- -------------
ID        NUMBER
NAME      VARCHAR2(100)
STAT      CHAR(5)

Whoops. What’s happened, of course, is that when tv_alpha was recompiled, tv_base still hadn’t been recompiled and so it didn’t have the new column in it yet. Oracle internally defines views with SELECT * expanded to list all the columns. The view won’t gain the new column until we REPLACE the view with a new one using SELECT *. By that time, it’s too late for tv_alpha – it had already been compiled, successfully, so it doesn’t see the new column.

Lesson Learnt

What should we learn from this? Be wary of SELECT * in your views. Don’t get me wrong: they are very handy, especially during initial development of your application; but they can surprise you if not handled carefully and I would suggest it’s good practice to expand those SELECT *‘s into a discrete list of columns.

Some people would go so far as to completely outlaw SELECT *, and even views-on-views, for reasons such as the above. I’m not so dogmatic, because in my view there are some good reasons to use them in some situations.

Show greyscale icon as red

I have an editable tabular form using APEX’s old greyscale edit link icons:


The users complained that they currently have to click each link to drill down to the detail records to find and fix any errors; they wanted the screen to indicate which detail records were already fine and which ones needed attention.

Since screen real-estate is limited here, I wanted to indicate the problems by showing a red edit link instead of the default greyscale one; since this application is using an old theme I didn’t feel like converting it to use Font Awesome (not yet, at least) and neither did I want to create a whole new image and upload it. Instead, I tried a CSS trick to convert the greyscale image to a red shade.

I used this informative post to work out what I needed: http://css-tricks.com/color-filters-can-turn-your-gray-skies-blue/

WARNING: Unfortunately this trick does NOT work in IE (tested in IE11). Blast.

Firstly, I added a column to the underlying query that determines if the error needs to be indicated or not:

select ...,
       case when {error condition}
       then 'btnerr' end as year1_err
from mytable...

I set the new column type to Hidden Column.

The link column is rendered using a Link-type column, with Link Text set to:

<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif" alt="">

I changed this to:

<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#e2.gif" alt="" class="#YEAR1_ERR#">

What this does is if there is an error for a particular record, the class "btnerr" is added to the img tag. Rows with no error will simply have class="" which does nothing.

Now, to make the greyscale image show up as red, I need to add an SVG filter to the HTML Header in the page:

<svg style="display:none"><defs>
  <filter id="redshader">
    <feColorMatrix type="matrix"
      values="0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0
              0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0
              0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0
              0   0   0   1 0"/>

I made up the values for the R G B lines with some trial and error. The filter is applied to the buttons with the btnerr class with this CSS in the Inline CSS property of the page:

img.btnerr {filter:url(#redshader);}

The result is quite effective:


But, as I noted earlier, this solution does not work in IE, so that’s a big fail.

NOTE: if this application was using the Universal Theme I would simply apply a simple font color style to the icon since it would be using a font instead of an image icon.

A nice Descending Index Range Scan

I’ve been aware of some of the ways that Oracle database optimises index accesses for queries, but I’m also aware that you have to test each critical query to ensure that the expected optimisations are taking effect.

I had this simple query, the requirement of which is to get the “previous status” for a record from a journal table. Since the journal table records all inserts, updates and deletes, and this query is called immediately after an update, to get the previous status we need to query the journal for the record most recently prior to the most recent record. Since the “version_id” column is incremented for each update, we can use that as the sort order.

select status_code
from (select rownum rn, status_code
      from   xxtim_requests$jn jn
      where  jn.trq_id = :trq_id
      order by version_id desc)
where rn = 2;

The xxtim_requests$jn table has an ordinary index on (trq_id, version_id). This query is embedded in some PL/SQL with an INTO clause – so it will only fetch one record (plus a 2nd fetch to detect TOO_MANY_ROWS which we know won’t happen).

The table is relatively small (in dev it only has 6K records, and production data volumes are expected to grow very slowly) but regardless, I was pleased to find that (at least, in Oracle 12.1) it uses a nice optimisation so that it not only uses the index, it is choosing to use a Descending scan on it – which means it avoids a SORT operation, and should very quickly return the 2nd record that we desire.


It looks quite similar in effect to the “COUNT STOPKEY” optimisation you can see on “ROWNUM=1” queries. If this was a much larger table and this query needed to be faster or was being run more frequently, I’d probably consider appending status_code to the index in order to avoid the table access. In this case, however, I don’t think it’s necessary.

IRs with Subscriptions that might not work

If you have an Interactive Report with the Subscription feature enabled, users can “subscribe” to the report, getting a daily email with the results of the report. Unfortunately, however, this feature doesn’t work as expected if it relies on session state – e.g. if the query uses bind variables based on page items to filter the records. In this case, the subscription will run the query with a default (null) session state – APEX doesn’t remember what the page item values were when the user subscribed to the report.

The job that runs subscriptions, first sets the APEX globals (e.g. app ID, page ID) and evaluates any relevant authorizations (to check that the user still has access to the app, page and region); apart from that, only the query for the region is actually executed. Page processes are not executed, and page items with default values or expressions are not set and will be considered null if referred to by the query. In some cases you may be able to workaround this by using NVL or COALESCE in your query to handle null page items.

This is a query I used to quickly pick out all the Interactive Reports that have the Subscription feature enabled but which might rely on session state to work – i.e. it relies on items submitted from the page, refers to a bind variable or to a system context:

select workspace, application_id, application_name,
page_id, region_name, page_items_to_submit
from apex_application_page_ir
where show_notify = 'Yes'
and (page_items_to_submit is not null
     or regexp_like(sql_query,':[A-Z]','i')
     or regexp_like(sql_query,'SYS_CONTEXT','i')

For these reports, I reviewed them and where appropriate, turned off the Subscription feature. Note that this query is not perfect and might give some false positives and negatives.

Related idea for consideration: https://apex.oracle.com/ideas/FR-2393 – “Set up session for email subscription”

UPDATE (Mar 2022)

As of APEX 20.1, when a subscription is saved, the session is cloned, and the clone is used for all subsequent daily emails of the report. What this effectively means it that a snapshot of the value of each item in the application is taken (i.e. the value as stored in session state on the database) and this snapshot will provide values for any items used by the report.

In addition, the Database Session Initialization PL/SQL Code (under Security Attributes) is also executed, which is how you can initialise any application contexts that the report might need (e.g. for VPD).

Note that if the report relied on any APEX collections, these are not included in the clone; but reports that are based on collections should not generally be enabled for email subscriptions anyway.

Quick Pick in APEX Report

I have an Interactive Report that includes some editable columns, and the users wanted to include some “quick picks” on these columns to make it easy to copy data from a previous period. The user can choose to type in a new value, or click the “quick pick” to quickly data-enter the suggested value.


Normally, a simple page item can have a quick pick by setting the Show Quick Picks attribute on the item. This is not, however, available as an option when generating APEX items in a report.

To do this, I added code like the following to my report query: NOTE: don’t copy this, refer to ADDENDUM below

         ,p_rows => 1
         ,p_cols => 30
         ,p_item_id => 'f05_'||to_char(rownum,'fm00000'))
       || case when x.prev_ytd_comments is not null
          then '<a href="javascript:$(''#'
            || 'f05_' || to_char(rownum,'fm00000')
            || ''').val('
            || apex_escape.js_literal(x.prev_ytd_comments)
            || ').trigger(''change'')">'
            || apex_escape.html(x.prev_ytd_comments)
            || '</a>'
       as edit_ytd_comments
FROM my_report_view x;

This results in the following HTML code being generated:


In the report definition, the EDIT_YTD_COMMENTS column has Escape Special Characters set to No. This runs a real risk of adding a XSS attack vector to your application, so be very careful to escape any user-entered data (such as prev_ytd_comments in the example above) before allowing it to be included. In this case, the user-entered data is rendered as the link text (so is escaped using APEX_ESCAPE.html) and also within some javascript (so is escaped using APEX_ESCAPE.js_literal).

So, if the data includes any characters that conflict with html or javascript, it is neatly escaped:


And it is shown on screen as expected, and clicking the link copies the data correctly into the item:


This technique should, of course, work with most of the different item types you can generate with APEX_ITEM.

Recommended further reading:

ADDENDUM 6/2/2017

A problem with the above code causes this to fail in Internet Explorer (IE11, at least) – when clicking on the quickpick, the user is presented with a page blank except for “[object Object]”. After googling I found this question on StackOverflow and fixed the problem by moving the jQuery code to a function defined at the page level.

I added this to the page Function and Global Variable Declaration:

function qp (id,v) {

And modified the report query as follows:

         ,p_rows => 1
         ,p_cols => 30
         ,p_item_id => 'f05_'||to_char(rownum,'fm00000'))
       || case when x.prev_ytd_comments is not null
          then '<a href="javascript:qp(''#'
            || 'f05_' || to_char(rownum,'fm00000')
            || ''','
            || apex_escape.js_literal(x.prev_ytd_comments)
            || ')">'
            || apex_escape.html(x.prev_ytd_comments)
            || '</a>'
       as edit_ytd_comments
FROM my_report_view x;

Powerless Javascript

I was writing a small javascript function, part of which needed to evaluate 10 to the power of a parameter – I couldn’t remember what the exponentiation operator is in javascript so as usually I hit F12 and typed the following into the console:



Wrote and tested the code, checked in to source control. Job done.

A few days later we deployed a new release that included dozens of bug fixes into UAT for testing. Soon after a tester showed me a screen where a lot of stuff wasn’t looking right, and things that had been working for a long time was not working at all.

Developer: “It works fine on my machine.”

After some playing around on their browser I noted that it seemed half of the javascript code I’d written was not running at all. A look at their browser console revealed two things:

  1. they are using Internet Explorer 11
  2. a compilation error was accusing the line with the ** operator

The error meant that all javascript following that point in the file was never executed, causing the strange behaviour experienced by the testers.

A bit of googling revealed that the ** operator was only added to javascript relatively recently and was supported by Chrome 52 and Edge browser but not IE. So I quickly rewrote it to use Math.pow(n,m) and applied a quick patch to UAT to get things back on track.

I think there’s a lesson there somewhere. Probably, the lesson is something like “if you try drive-by javascript coding, you’re gonna have a bad time.”

Target=_Blank for Cards report template

cardsreport.PNGI wanted to use the “Cards” report template for a small report which lists file attachments. When the user clicks on one of the cards, the file should download and open in a new tab/window. Unfortunately, the Cards report template does not include a placeholder for extra attributes for the anchor tag, so it won’t let me add “target=_blank” like I would normally.

One solution is to edit the Cards template to add the extra placeholder; however, this means breaking the subscription from the universal theme.

As a workaround for this I’ve added a small bit of javascript to add the attribute after page load, and whenever the region is refreshed.

  • Set report static ID, e.g. “mycardsreport”
  • Add Dynamic Action:
    • Event = After Refresh
    • Selection Type = Region
    • Region = (the region)
  • Add True Action: Execute JavaScript Code
    • Code = $("#mycardsreport a.t-Card-wrap").attr("target","_blank"); (replace the report static ID in the selector)
    • Fire On Page Load = Yes

Note: this code affects all cards in the chosen report.