Protect your APEX app from URL Tampering – in just a few clicks

Recently I’ve been reviewing and updating my knowledge of APEX security, especially protection from URL tampering. I’ve read the documentation, a number of blogs, and heard from people with experience in the field such as Lino. By default, when you create a new application in APEX you get the following security settings set automatically, which is a good start:

  • Application Session State Protection is Enabled.
  • Each page has Page Access Protection set to Arguments Must Have Checksum.
  • Each Application Item has Protection Level set to Restricted – May not be set from browser.
  • Each Primary Key Item* created by a wizard has Protection Level set to Checksum Required – Session Level.

(* that is, any item mapped from a table column that is, or forms part of, a Primary Key constraint).

These default settings are considered best practice. If you change these, it becomes your responsibility to ensure that your application is protected against security vulnerabilities from URL tampering.

For page items, however, the Protection Level defaults to Unrestricted. This is ok for Form items because the page fetch process will set their values on page load, rendering any attempt at URL tampering ineffective.

For non-form page items, unless the Page Access Protection is relaxed (Unrestricted), leaving items unrestricted is safe since URL tampering is blocked for the entire page anyway. At runtime, if a malicious visitor tries to modify the item value via the URL, they will get the error “No checksum was provided to show processing for a page that requires a checksum when one or more request, clear cache, or argument values are passed as parameters.

Error message "No checksum was provided to show processing for a page that requires a checksum when one or more request, clear cache, or argument values are passed as parameters."

However, what if a developer later needs to change the page to Unrestricted? They may unwittingly introduce a potential URL tampering issue because one or more items were not protected.

UPDATE: in fact, this applies even if it’s a different page in the same application. As Martin D’Souza pointed out a decade ago, URL tampering for any item in the application is possible from any page in the application that is Unrestricted.

The majority of these items are editable input items, so the fact that someone may input a value via the URL is not a big deal. However, for Hidden and Display Only items, it is common for application logic to depend on their values; this logic may be adversely affected by malicious values supplied via the URL.

In some cases, this default is needed in order for the application to work. Some examples when an item must be left Unrestricted are:

  • An item is changed by a Dynamic Action (whether via a Set Item Value, via the Items to Return of a Execute Server-side Code action, or in some custom JavaScript), and cannot have Value Protected set because the page may be submitted.
  • We do actually intend the item to be set via the URL, e.g. when an external web page has a link that sets the item’s value.

In all these cases, the application must be designed to ensure it does not “trust” the value of these items; it should apply suitable checks to ensure the values are valid.

In most cases, it is best practice to set the item Protection Level to Checksum Required – Session Level (or Restricted – May not be set from browser where supported).

You can use a query like this to discover all items that may need to be reviewed:

from apex_application_page_items i
where i.application_id = :app_id
and i.item_protection_level = 'Unrestricted'
and i.display_as_code in ('NATIVE_HIDDEN','NATIVE_DISPLAY_ONLY')
order by i.application_id, i.page_id, i.region, i.item_name;
Report showing APPLICATION_ID, PAGE_ID, PAGE_NAME, REGION, ITEM_NAME, DISPLAY_AS, listing two Display Only items (P1_DISPLAY_ONLY_ITEM, P1_DISPLAY_ONLY_ITEM_DA) and two Hiden items (P1_HIDDEN_ITEM, P1_HIDDEN_ITEM_DA) that have Item Protection Level set to "Unrestricted".

Other excellent options are using third-party security scanners such as APEXSec and APEX-SERT to alert you to potential issues in your application. We mandate the use of tools like these internally at Oracle for our own applications and they are a great help.

Using the Session State Protection Wizard

One easy step you can take right now is to use the Session State Protection wizard. It gives you a quick overview of what level of protection your application has against URL tampering, and gives an easy way of fixing the relevant attributes in bulk.

You can access the wizard via Shared Components > Session State Protection

Screenshot of part of App Builder Shared Components; under the Security heading, we want to click on "Session State Protection".

Alternatively, you can access the wizard via Edit Application Definition > Security > Session State Protection > Manage Session State Protection

Screenshot of part of the App Builder Edit Security Attributes page, under the Security tab. In the Session State Protection section, we want to click on the button "Manage Session State Protection".

The wizard starts by showing an overview of the current state of your application’s protection against URL tampering.

Screenshot of the App Builder Session State Protection overview page.
It indicates that my application has Session State Protection = Enabled.
It shows that one page is set to "Arguments Must Have Checksum", one page allows "No URL Access", and one page is "Unrestricted".
It indicates that all 9 Page Items in the application are set to "Unrestricted".
It indicates that of the application's Application Items, one is set to "Restricted - May not be set from browser", one is "Checksum Required - Session Level", and one is "Unrestricted".
Next to each category a ">" icon button is shown.
At the bottom of the page is the button "Set Protection".

You can see if your application has Session State Protection enabled (which it should, really), and if any pages, page items, and/or application items are unprotected. In my sample app here, it’s obvious that there are some potential security issues that need to be reviewed.

You can click the > buttons next to each category to list all the pages and items that need to be reviewed.

The main things to watch out for are Pages, Page Items, and Application Items that are set to Unrestricted. Other values are generally fine.

If you see any Items which are set to Checksum Required but not at the Session Level, you may find that a developer has simply set them incorrectly and you should consider changing them to Session Level. However, there are some scenarios where the other levels (Application Level, or User Level) are required.

Now, I might now go through the application page-by-page and set the protection level on each page and item as appropriate. This could be a laborious process for a large application.

A good alternative is to use this wizard to set the protection level in bulk. In this case, I’m going to click Set Protection.

Screenshot of page 1 of the Session State Protection Wizard.
It is asking to Select an Action - either "Disable", or "Configure". I have selected "Configure".
Buttons at the bottom of the page allow me to Cancel, or go to the Next page.
I’ve selected the action Configure, then click Next.
Screenshot of page 2 of the Session State Protection Wizard.
This page allows me to select the Page Access Protection (defaulted to "Arguments Must Have Checksum"), the Page Data Entry Item Protection, the Page Display-Only Item Protection, and the Application Item Protection. These last three are all defaulted to "Checksum Required - Session Level".
Buttons at the bottom of the page allow me to go to the Previous page, Cancel, or go to the Next page.
The wizard now gives me the opportunity to modify the protection level on my pages and items in bulk. I’m going to accept the defaults (Arguments Must Have Checksum / Checksum Required – Session Level) because they are appropriate for most cases in my application.
Screenshot of the last page of the Session State Protection Wizard.
This allows me to confirm the changes that will be made to pages and items in the application.
Buttons at the bottom of the page allow me to go to the Previous page, Cancel, or Finish.
After reviewing the summaries of the changes that the wizard will make, I click Finish.
Screenshot of the App Builder Session State Protection overview page, after running the wizard.
The page now indicates that all 3 pages in my application are set to "Arguments Must Have Checksum", that all 9 Page Items and the 3 Application Items are now set to "Checksum Required - Session Level".


Final Steps

Now, I need to check for hidden page items that are now restricted that might need to be returned to Unrestricted. Otherwise, users will see the error “Session state protection violation” when they submit the page, if a dynamic action has changed them.

Screenshot of an error message alert, saying "1 error has occurred: Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of protected page item P1_DISPLAY_ONLY_ITEM_DA. If you are unsure what caused this error, please contact the application administrator for assistance."

The following query will alert me to any Hidden items that have Value Protected switched off (e.g. because they need to be submitted):

from apex_application_page_items i
where i.application_id = :app_id
and i.item_protection_level != 'Unrestricted'
and i.display_as_code = 'NATIVE_HIDDEN'
and i.attribute_01 = 'N' -- Value Protected
order by i.application_id, i.page_id, i.region, i.item_name;
Report showing APPLICATION_ID, PAGE_ID, PAGE_NAME, REGION, ITEM_NAME, DISPLAY_AS listing one entry for "P1_HIDDEN_ITEM_DA", a hidden item that is set to "Unrestricted" and has attribute_01 (Value Protected) set to "N".

Now I can review this item to check if Value Protected really needed to be switched off. If the page is never submitted, or the item is never changed by any dynamic actions, this could be switched On. Otherwise, I need to set the item protection to Unrestricted in order for the page to work.

Having made changes to the application, I need to test to ensure I haven’t introduced any issues. My focus will be mainly on the following areas:

  1. Navigation – e.g. do the View or Edit buttons in all reports still work?
  2. Dynamic actions – e.g. do all the dynamic actions and custom javascript still work on all pages that set item values?

For #1, I’m looking for any links that include item values that were not correctly built. If the application generates any links using just string concatenation, it will fail if the target page expects a checksum. The application should build these links using declarative link attributes if possible, or by calling apex_page.get_url (or apex_util.prepare_url at least).

For #2, I would test to ensure that after triggering a dynamic action or javascript code that modifies an item’s value, that the form is still submitted (saved) without error.

Further Reading

Thanks to Christian Neumueller for his review and comments on this article.

Convert an APEX Application to Multi-Tenant

So you’ve built an APEX application to solve a problem for one client, or one department, or just yourself – and you think it might be useful for others as well. How do you make that application available for other users, departments, or companies to reuse, while ensuring each sees only their own data and cannot mess around with others’ data?

Architecting a Multi-Tenant Application

To make your application multi-tenant you have a few options.

Option #1. Copy the application to another workspace/schema, another Pluggable Database (in Oracle 12c+) or another database server entirely.

Option #2. Modify your data model to allow completely independant sets of data to co-exist in the same physical tables (e.g. a security_group_id column that allows the database to discriminate data for each tenant).

The desirable properties of a multi-tenant system are as follows:

a. Tenant isolation – no tenant sees data for another tenant; no tenant can affect the app’s behaviour for another tenant; protect against “noisy neighbours” (i.e. those which impact system capacity and performance).

Hadlow’s first law of multi-tenancy: A multi-tenanted application should not look like a multi-tenanted application.”

b. Administration – ability to backup/recover all data for a single tenant; ability to give a degree of control to each tenant (self service).

c. Maintainability – simplicity of deploying enhancements and bug fixes for all tenants, or for one tenant at a time (e.g. rolling upgrades).

d. Scalability – ability to easily add more tenants, ability to add more capacity for more tenants.

Some of these properties are more easily and effectively achieved with option #1 (separate servers or schemas for each tenant), such as Isolation and Administration. Other properties are more easily and effectively achieved with option #2 (discriminator column) such as Maintainability and Scalability. This is a gross generalisation of course; there are many solutions to this design problem each with many pros and cons.

Some inspiration may be gained from examining how Oracle Application Express achieves this goal: multi-tenant has been baked into the product, via its concept of Workspaces. Each tenant can be given their own workspace in APEX and are able to build and deploy applications in isolation from other workspaces. Internally, APEX maintains a unique security_group_id for each workspace. This works very well – a single Oracle database instance can serve thousands or tens of thousands of workspaces.

It should be noted that a benefit of pursuing Option #2 is that it does not necessarily preclude using Option #1 as well, should the need arise later on – for example, to provide more capacity or better performance in the presence of more demanding tenants. For this reason, plus the fact that it’s much easier to maintain and enhance an application for all users at once if they’re colocated, I prefer Option #2.
Continue Reading

Code can be scary when you simplify it

Disclaimer: I’m not posting to make me look better, we’ve all written code that we’re later ashamed of, and I’m no different!

This is some code I discovered buried in a system some time ago. I’ve kept a copy of it because it illustrates a number of things NOT to do:

FUNCTION password_is_valid
  (in_password IN VARCHAR2)
-- do NOT copy this code!!! ...
  l_valid VARCHAR2(1);
  l_sql VARCHAR2(32000);
  CURSOR cur_rules IS
    SELECT REPLACE(sql_expression
                  ,'''' || in_password || ''''
                  ) AS sql_expression
    FROM password_rules;
  FOR l_rec IN cur_rules LOOP
    l_valid := 'N';
    -- SQL injection, here we come...
    l_sql := 'SELECT ''Y'' FROM DUAL ' || l_rec.sql_expression;
      -- why not flood the shared pool with SQLs containing
      -- user passwords in cleartext?
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO l_valid;
    IF l_valid = 'N' THEN
    END IF;
  RETURN l_valid;
END password_is_valid;

I am pretty sure this code was no longer used, but I couldn’t be sure as I didn’t have access to all the instances that could run it.