ReportMap Release 1.5

The latest version of the ReportMap APEX plugin is now v1.5.

The plugin now supports Overlays, which allows you to add almost any arbitrary HTML or image content to particular points on the map. For example, instead of showing the default red pin, you might want to show a pretty Information card at a location. The cards are clickable as well, and you can use a dynamic action to make your app respond however you wish.

You can even show an image as a map overlay, which will be scaled automatically as the user zooms and pans the map.

In the previous release I added a companion Dynamic Action “Action” plugin that allows you to declaratively perform actions on the map. This release fixes a few bugs in that plugin, and also adds a new, second companion Dynamic Action plugin: Show Directions. This plugin allows you to invoke the Directions API on the map between one location and a destination without needing to write JavaScript. The locations may be specified with static values (lat,lng coordinates or addresses), from items on your page, JavaScript expressions, or jQuery selectors. The travel mode (e.g. driving, bicycling, etc.) can also be specified the same way.

You can review the full list of changes and download the plugin from here:

Speaking at AUSOUG 2021

The Australian Oracle User Group is hosting a series of webinars this year and on 17 February I’ll be speaking about how to add an interactive Google Map to your APEX application. If you’re using APEX and want to see how easy it can be to integrate Google Map capabilities into your application, this is for you.

My session is at 9am in Perth time (1am UTC) – which is:

  • 6:30am in India
  • 9:45am in Eucla
  • 10:30am in Darwin
  • 11am in Brisbane
  • 11:30am in Adelaide
  • 12pm in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Tasmania
  • 2pm in New Zealand

For more information about the AUSOUG National Webinar Series, go to:

To register for this session, go to:

ReportMap Release 1.4

Release 1.4 of the JK64 Report Google Map R1 has been released with a number of bug fixes and enhancements. You can review the changes here: The most important enhancement is a new Dynamic Action plugin that is included as a recommended companion to the map plugin.

The Dynamic Action plugin, called JK64 Report Google Map R1 Action, allows you to implement any of a range of custom behaviours on your map region. If installed, you can make the map respond to user behaviour or other events without needing to resort to writing your own custom JavaScript.

You can add a dynamic action to modify a variety of options and attributes of the map, execute searches, pan and zoom, load features via geoJson, and more – and these can be based on the value of items on your page, or via JavaScript expressions that you specify.

For example, on the demo Plugin Options, the user can change the map type:

This is implemented as a radio item with a dynamic action on the Change event:

The dynamic action has the following attributes:

Note that in this case, it sets an Option – Map Type, based on the triggering element (the P28_MAP_TYPE item). The Affected Elements is required, and must refer to the map region that we want to change.

Notice anything missing? That’s right – No Code needed!

The plugin makes it easy to customise which of the default Google Map controls (buttons, etc.) are shown to the user:

  • Full Screen control
  • Map Type control
  • Rotate control
  • Scale control
  • Street View Pegman control
  • Zoom control

Other options that can be set include:

  • Clickable Icons
  • Disable default UI
  • Gesture Handling
  • Heading
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Map Type
  • Maximum Zoom level
  • Minimum Zoom level
  • Restrict search to Country
  • Styles
  • Tilt
  • Zoom level

In addition, the plugin allows you to restrict the map to a set of bounds, via the Restrict to Bounds or Restrict to Bounds Strict Mode actions.

You can browse all the possible actions in the WIKI:

Another enhancement included in this release is explicit support for the Table / View data source. This is simple to use, although not quite as flexible as the SQL Query option. Your table or view must include columns with the correct column names expected by the selected Visualisation – for example, if your Visualisation is Pins, the table or view must have columns named lat, lng, name and id. Click the Help tab on Table Name for more details, or review the WIKI (

NOTE: the plugin supports APEX 18.2 and later. It is no longer planned to include backports for older versions of APEX.

A big thanks to many APEX developers around the world who have installed and used the map plugin over the years. Your suggestions, questions and bug reports have contributed a great deal to improving the plugin.

ReportMap Release 1.2

Version 1.2 of the ReportMap Google Map plugin has been released today. While the rest of you have been idling away under Covid-19 restrictions, I’ve been happy as a clam working on some exciting enhancements to the plugin.

If you just want to get in and have a play, check out the demo on

New Features in this Release

Included in this release are the following new features:

  • New visualisation: Spidifier
  • Show turn-by-turn Directions
  • Customise each Marker with your own JavaScript function
  • Load large data sets in batches
  • Show spinner while data is loading
  • Localisation options

A bug when the new Friendly URLs feature of Oracle APEX 20.1 is used with the Clustering visualisation has also been fixed in this release.

The full list of enhancements and bugfixes, with links to the issues register, may be viewed here.

If you use the Directions or Route Map options, you can now show the turn-by-turn directions on your page, anywhere you want.

The documentation has been updated. The plugin now has four new plugin attributes, as well as a number of other attributes that can be set via JavaScript (the officially supported ones are documented on the plugin attributes page). Three new plugin events have also been added to support the new features.


If you have a map that needs to show a lot of pins, especially ones that are close together, the plugin previously had the option of Clustering them at high zoom levels. The user could click on a cluster to zoom in enough to show the individual pins. One weakness of this approach is that if one or more pins are almost (or exactly) overlapping, the cluster never “unclusters” – the user cannot zoom in far enough to get the pins to show individually.

This release provides another Visualisation option, Spiderfier. This uses the OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier to control how pins react when clicked. When the user clicks a pin that is close or overlapping with other pins, it shifts the pins in that area into a ring, or a spiral (depending on how many pins are there) with lines pointing back to their original location. It also colours them blue to indicate they’ve been “spiderfied”. The user can then hover and click each marker separately.

If the user zooms in, the Spiderfier automatically returns all the pins to their original location.

I think the defaults I’ve set work reasonably well. If needed, you can customise the Spiderfier by setting its options via the JavaScript Initialisation Code (refer to “spiderfier options” here for details). You can also provide your own formatting function to change how the markers look when they are “spiderfied”.

Marker Icons

The WIKI has been augmented with a handy guide to Map Icons. The plugin has long supported the ability to specify custom images for the marker icons. This release gives a whole lot more control over the markers to the developer:

If all the icons in the query are being loaded from the same location, you can now set the iconBasePath option once and just have a relative icon file name in the query. When there is a lot of data to show in the map, this can significantly reduce the volume of data loaded to the client, which can lead to a significant performance improvement.

The developer can now supply a custom JavaScript function (via the markerFormatFn option) to format each marker using whatever logic they need.

For example, if the marker icon needs to be different according to some data value, you can send the data via one of the flex fields, and then write your custom function to set the marker icon depending on the value of the flex field.

You could also modify other characteristics of the marker, such as the title (hover text), info text (popup window), icon anchor point, opacity, and even position (although usually I’d expect your query would provide the correct lat/lng coordinates).

If you have a large number of custom icons you wish to use, along with a large data set of pins to render on the map, you could even compile the icons into a single sprite map to reduce network overhead. This means the image file is loaded once to the client, and then the map “cuts out” bits of the sprite map to render the marker icons. This can be done by setting just a few attributes of the marker’s Icon object. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but this tool looks like it would be useful for this purpose.

Loading Large Datasets

This release adds the Show Spinner and the Rows Per Batch attributes. These attributes are independent of each other, and they help to improve the quality of the experience for your end users when you are rendering a large number of pins on the map.

By default, new maps will have Show Spinner set on. For any existing maps, after upgrading you can turn this option on by setting it in the plugin attributes. This option causes the map to show the default APEX spinner while the data is loaded. The spinner is then removed when the last marker has been rendered. The effect is to give the user an indication that the map is “working”, and gives them immediate feedback when the data has finished loading and they may now interact with the map.

If the spinner seems to stay forever, it may indicate an issue with connectivity to the server (or perhaps that the server is under severe load or has stopped responding to requests).

When the APEX page has been rendered on the client, the Google Map is shown but the data is not immediately loaded; instead, a separate AJAX request is sent to the server to run your query and download all the data to render the pins on the map. By default, this is all done in one single AJAX call, which is the fastest way to get from start to finish; the downside is that the user will not see any pins on the map until all the data has been downloaded. You can change this behaviour by setting Rows Per Batch to some number (e.g. 1000). With this attribute set, the plugin will send a series of AJAX calls to the database (one at a time) and get a batch of records at a time. After loading a batch, the plugin will render the pins on the map (and if necessary, it will pan / zoom the map to show them all) and then send another AJAX request to get the next batch. When it has finished receiving all the batches, it adds any finishing touches needed (e.g. for a visualisation) and returns control to the user.

The advantage of this approach is that the user can see the pins being shown gradually, and they will know that “something is working”. This may help to give them a nicer user experience.

The downside of this approach is that it may cause a bigger load on the server (because each AJAX request requires running a new query, with an offset) and will usually take longer from start to finish. Generally, if your data comprises only a few hundred records at most, you will probably want to leave the Rows Per Batch setting blank.

The Future

There are still a few little enhancements on my “todo” list, but I’m keen to hear how you are using (or perhaps planning to use) this plugin, and if there are any new features or improvements that you need or want. If so, please raise them on the GitHub Issues page.

Quite a few people have raised questions or ideas in the past and sometimes I’ve incorporated them straight away, and other times it’s taken a little longer but I get there eventually. If you’re keen to contribute, feel free to have a poke around in the code and perhaps even do a pull request on the GitHub source to suggest a change. It would be great to collaborate with you because everyone has something unique to offer.

Long-term, I’m watching with interest the future direction of Oracle APEX. I remember at one point they were talking about incorporating some sort of new map region into the product, although the mention of this seems to have been dropped from the Statement of Direction (or maybe my memory is misleading me). I guess time will tell.

Loading large GeoJSON objects

A good question – how to load fairly largish GeoJSON documents into a Google Map in APEX?

To investigate this I started by downloading a source of GeoJSON data for test purposes – one containing the borders of countries around the world: This file is 23.5MB in size and contains a JSON array of features, like this:

(the data does not appear to be very accurate for a lot of countries, but it will do just fine for my purposes)

Uploading the file to the database

To load this file into my database I copied the file to the server and ran this to load the data into a temporary table:

create table import_lob_tmp (the_clob clob);

create directory dataload as '/home/oracle/dataload';

   b bfile := bfilename('DATALOAD','countries.geojson');
   c clob;
   l_dest_offset integer := 1;
   l_src_offset integer := 1;
   l_bfile_csid number := 0;
   l_lang_context integer := 0;
   l_warning integer := 0;
   dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile (
     dest_lob      => c,
     src_bfile     => b,
     amount        => dbms_lob.lobmaxsize,
     dest_offset   => l_dest_offset,
     src_offset    => l_src_offset,
     bfile_csid    => l_bfile_csid ,
     lang_context  => l_lang_context,
     warning       => l_warning);
   insert into import_lob_tmp values (c);

Alternatively, I could also have created a temporary APEX application with a File Browse item to upload the file and insert it into the import_lob_tmp table.

Parsing the JSON

I wanted to get the array of features as a table with one row per country; to get this I used json_table; after a fair bit of muddling around this is what I ended up with:

create table country_borders as
select j.*
from import_lob_tmp,
     json_table(the_clob, '$.features[*]'
         columns (
             country varchar2(255) path '$.properties.ADMIN',
             iso_a3 varchar2(255) path '$.properties.ISO_A3',
             geometry clob format json
         )) j;

alter table country_borders modify country not null;  
alter table country_borders modify iso_a3 not null;
alter table country_borders modify geometry not null;  
alter table country_borders add
    constraint country_border_name_uk unique (country);
alter table country_borders add
    constraint geometry_is_json check (geometry is json);

The first JSON path expression allowed me to drill down from the document root ($) to the features node; this is an array so I added [*] to get one row for each entry.

The COLUMNS list then breaks down each entry into the columns I’m interested in; each entry consists of a type attribute (which I don’t need), followed by a more interesting properties node with some attributes which are extracted using some relative JSON path expressions; followed by the geometry node with the GeoJSON fragment that represents the country borders that I wish to store “as is” in a clob column.

Now if I query this table it’s interesting to see which countries are likely to have the most complex coastlines (at least, as far as the data quality provided in this file will provide):

select country,
       dbms_lob.getlength(geometry) geometry_size,
from country_borders
order by 3 desc;

It should be noted that since I’ve extracted the geometry node from each feature, the resulting data in the geometry column do not actually represent valid GeoJSON documents. However, it’s easy to construct a valid GeoJSON document by surrounding it with a suitable JSON wrapper, e.g.:

'{"type":"Feature","geometry":' + geometry + '}'

Showing the GeoJSON on a map

The next step is to load this border data onto a map for display. I recently released version 1.1 of my Report Map Google Map plugin which adds support for loading and manipulating geoJSON strings, so I started by importing region_type_plugin_com_jk64_report_google_map_r1 into my APEX application.

I created a page with a region using this plugin. I set the map region Static ID to testmap. On the same page I added a text item, P1_GEOJSON, to hold the GeoJSON data; and a Select List item P1_COUNTRY with the following query as its source:

select country
       || ' ('
       || ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(geometry)/1024)
       || 'KB)' as d
from country_borders
order by country

I added a dynamic action to the Select List item on the Change event to load the geometry from the table into the map. Initially, I added the following actions:

  1. A Set Value action that sets P1_GEOJSON to the result of the query:
    select geometry from country_borders
    where country = :P1_COUNTRY
  2. An Execute JavaScript action that loads the GeoJSON into the map (after first clearing any previously loaded features):
    '{"type":"Feature","geometry":' + $v("P1_GEOJSON") + '}');

This technique works ok, but only for smallish countries where the GeoJSON of their borders is less than 4K in size. For countries with more border detail than can fit within that limit, the Set Value action query only loads part of the JSON data, resulting in an invalid JSON string – and so the map failed to load it. The Set Value action was therefore unsuitable for my purpose.

To load the entire CLOB data I used another plugin. There are a few CLOB load plugins available for APEX – search the Plugins list at for “clob”. I chose APEX CLOB Load 2 by Ronny Weiß.

I imported the plugin dynamic_action_plugin_apex_clob_load_2 into my application, then replaced the Set Value action with the action APEX CLOB Load 2 [Plug-In]. I set SQL Source to:

select /* Element type dom - for jQuery selector e.g. body or #region-id,
          item - for item name e.g. P1_MY_ITEM */
       'item' as element_type,
       /* jQuery selector or item name */
       'P1_GEOJSON' as element_selector,
       geometry as clob_value
from country_borders
where country = :P1_COUNTRY

I set Items to Submit = P1_COUNTRY and Sanitise HTML = No. I also set Selection Type = Region and select the map region so that the spinner is shown while the data is loaded.


The plugin works well. The border for any country can be loaded (for some countries, it takes a few extra seconds to load) and drawn on the map:

If you would like to see this in action, you may play with it here:

Report Google Map Plugin v1.0 Released

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on an overhaul of my Google Maps region for Oracle Application Express. This free, open-source plugin allows you to integrate fully-featured Google Maps into your application, with a wide range of built-in declarative features including dynamic actions, as well as more advanced API routines for running custom JavaScript with the plugin.

The plugin has been updated to Oracle APEX 18.2 (as that is the version my current system is using). Unfortunately this means that people still on older versions will miss out, unless someone is willing to give me a few hours on their APEX 5.0 or 5.1 instance so I can backport the plugin.

EDIT: Release 1.0.1 includes some bugfixes and a backport for APEX 5.0, 5.1 and 18.1.

The plugin is easy to install and use. You provide a SQL Query that returns latitude, longitude, and information for the pins, and the plugin does all the work to show them on the map.

The plugin has been rewritten to use the JQuery UI Widgets interface, at the suggestion of Martin D’Souza. This makes for a cleaner integration on any APEX page, and reduces the JavaScript footprint of each instance on the page if you need two or more map regions at the same time. This represented a rather steep learning curve for me personally, but I learned a lot and I’m pleased with the result. Of course, I’m sure I’ve probably missed a few tricks that the average JavaScript coder would say was obvious.

The beta releases of the plugin (0.1 to 0.10) kept adding more and more plugin attributes until it hit the APEX limit of 25 region-level attributes. This was obviously not very scaleable for future enhancements, so in Release 1.0 I ran the scythe through all the attributes and consolidated, replaced, or removed more than half of them – while preserving almost every single feature. This means v1.0 is not backwards compatible with the beta versions; although many attributes are preserved, others (including the SQL Query itself, which is rather important) would be lost in the conversion if the plugin was merely replaced. For this reason I’ve changed the Internal ID of the plugin. This is so that customers who are currently using a beta version can safely install Release 1.0 alongside it, without affecting all the pages where they are using the plugin. They can then follow the instructions to gradually upgrade each page that uses the plugin.

All of the plugin attributes relating to integrating the plugin with page items have been removed. Instead, it is relatively straightforward to use Dynamic Actions to respond to events on the map, and an API of JavaScript functions can be called to change its behaviour. All of this is fully documented and sample code can be found in the wiki.

New features include, but are not limited to:

  • Marker Clustering
  • Geo Heatmap visualisation (this replaces the functionality previous provided in a separate plugin)
  • Draggable pins
  • Lazy Load (data is now loaded in a separate Ajax call after the page is loaded)

The plugin attributes that have been added, changed or removed are listed here.

If you haven’t used this plugin before, I encourage you to give it a go. It’s a lot of fun and the possibilities presented by the Google Maps JavaScript API are extensive. You do need a Google Maps API Key which requires a Google billing account, but it is worth the trouble. It is recommended to put a HTTP Referer restriction on your API Key so that people can’t just copy your public key and use it on their own sites. For more information refer to the Installation Instructions.

If you are already using a beta version of the plugin in your application, please review the Upgrading steps before starting. Don’t panic! It’s not quite as simple as just importing the plugin into your application, but it’s not overly complicated. If you were using any of the Page Item integration attributes, you will need to implement Dynamic Actions to achieve the same behaviour. If you had any JavaScript integrations with the plugin, you will need to update them to use the new JQuery UI Widget API calls. I am keen for everyone to update to Release 1.0 as soon as possible, so I will provide free support (via email) for anyone needing help with this.

I am very keen to hear from everyone who is using the plugin, and how it is being used – please let me know in the comments below.

If you notice a bug or have a great idea to enhance the plugin, commenting on this post is not the best place – instead, please raise an issue on GitHub.


APEX Plugin: Password Strength Estimator

I needed a simple password strength prompt for users when they need to create or change their password on my website. After a bit of Googling I found the “Low-Budget Password Strength Estimator” which is supposedly used by Dropbox, so you know it’s good 🙂

This simple javascript library runs entirely within the client’s browser, and when presented with a candidate password, gives a score from 0 (very poor) to 4 (very good). It can also return extra feedback, including a warning message for poor passwords, as well as suggestions for making a password more secure.


So I’ve created a very simple Dynamic Action plugin (try the demo here) that allows you to add this functionality to any item on your page. You can specify a minimum length for the password, and can override the default messages for each score. You can also select whether or not the feedback warnings or suggestions are shown.


It seems to catch a lot of poor passwords, including ones comprising common words and names, and ones involving a simple sequence or repetition.



Obviously it’s only really useful for password entry fields; but don’t use it on your Login page!

Download from:

Email made Easier

an e-mail letter that has a @ sign on itSending emails from the Oracle database can be both simply deceptively braindead easy, and confoundingly perplexingly awful at the same time. Easy, because all you have to do is call one of the supplied mail packages to send an email:

  (sender     => ''
  ,recipients => ''
  ,subject    => 'Test Subject'
  ,message    => 'Test Message');
  (p_from => ''
  ,p_to   => ''
  ,p_subj => 'Test Subject'
  ,p_body => 'Test Message');

If you want more control over your emails you can use UTL_SMTP instead; this is what I’ve been using for the past few years because I like feeling in control (doesn’t everyone?). This is the package that APEX_MAIL is built on top of.

If you just don’t trust these high-level abstractions you can use UTL_TCP and interact directly with the mail server. I don’t know, maybe your mail server does some weird stuff that isn’t supported by the standard packages.

If you want to send attachments, you can build this yourself in UTL_SMTP or UTL_TCP, but it’s easier with APEX_MAIL which can send BLOBs. UTL_MAIL can send attachments but only up to 32K in size (half that for binary files which become base64 encoded).

Let’s make up a checklist of features supported out of the box (i.e. without requiring you to write non-trivial code) and see how they stack up:

Attachments Yes Yes (<32K) No* No*
Asynchronous Yes No No No
Rate limited Yes No No No
Anti-Spam No* No* No* No*
SSL/TLS Yes No No* No*
Authentication Yes No No* No*

Features marked “No*”: these are not natively supported by the API, but generic API routines for sending arbitrary data (including RAW) can be used to build these features, if you’re really keen or you can google the code to copy-and-paste.

(Note: of course, you can add the Asynchronous and Rate limiting features to any of the UTL_* packages by writing your own code.)


Calls to the API to send an email do not attempt to connect to the mail server in the same session, but record the email to be sent soon after in a separate session.

This provides two benefits:

  1. It allows emails to be transactional – if the calling transaction is rolled back, the email will not be sent; and
  2. It ensures the client process doesn’t have to wait until the mail server responds, which might be slow in times of peak load.


Sending an email within an organisation is easy; internal mail servers don’t usually filter out internal emails as spam. Sending an email across the internet at large is fraught with difficulties, which can rear their ugly heads months or years after going live. One day your server tries to send 100 emails to the same recipient in error, and all of a sudden your IP is blocked as a spammer and NO emails get sent, with no warning.

For the last two years I’ve been battling this problem, because my site allows my clients to broadcast messages to their customers and partners via email and SMS. The SMS side worked fine, but emails frequently went AWOL and occasionally the whole site would get spam blocked. Most emails to hotmail went into a black hole and I was always having to apologise to anyone complaining about not getting their emails – “You’re not using a hotmail address by any chance? ah, that’s the problem then – sorry about that. Do you have any other email address we can use?”

I added some rate-limiting code to ensure that my server trickled the emails out. My server was sending about 2,000 to 3,000 per month, but sometimes these were sent in short spikes rather than spread out over the month. My rate-limiting meant a broadcast to 200 people could take several hours to complete, which didn’t seem to bother anyone; and this stopped the “too many emails sent within the same hour” errors from the mail server (I was using my ISP’s mail server).

I managed to improve the situation a little by implementing SPF (Sender Policy Framework). But still, lots of emails went missing, or at least directly into people’s spam folders.

I looked into DKIM as well, but after a few hours reading I threw that into the “too hard basket”. I decided that I’d much prefer to outsource all this worry and frustration to someone with more expertise and experience.

Searching for an Email Gateway

I’ve been hosting my site on Amazon EC2 for a long time now with great results and low cost, and I’ve also been using Amazon S3 for hosting large files and user-uploaded content. Amazon also provides an Email Gateway solution called SES which seemed like a logical next step. This service gives 62,000 messages per month for free (when sent from an EC2 instance) and you just get charged small amounts for the data transfer (something like 12c per GB).

I started trying to build a PL/SQL API to Amazon SES but got stuck trying to authenticate using Amazon’s complicated scheme. Just to make life interesting they use a different encryption algorithm for SES than they do for S3 (for which I already had code from the Alexandria PL/SQL library). It was difficult because their examples all assumed you’ve installed the Amazon SDK.

It always rejected anything I sent, and gave no clues as to what I might be doing wrong. In the end I decided that what I was doing wrong was trying to work this low-level stuff out myself instead of reusing a solution that someone else has already worked out. A good developer is a lazy developer, so they say. So I decided to see what other email gateways are out there.

I looked at a few, but their costs were prohibitive for my teeny tiny business as they assumed I am a big marketing company sending 100,000s of emails per month and would be happy to pay $100’s in monthly subscriptions. I wanted a low-cost, pay-per-use transactional email service that would take care of the DKIM mail signing for me.


In the end, I stumbled upon Mailgun, a service provided by Rackspace. Their service takes care of the DKIM signing for me, do automated rate limiting (with dynamic ramp up and ramp down), it includes 10,000 free emails per month, and extra emails are charged at very low amounts per email with no monthly subscription requirement.

Other benefits I noticed was that it allows my server to send emails by two methods: (1) RESTful API and (2) SMTP. The SMTP interface meant that I was very quickly able to use the service simply by pointing my existing APEX mail settings and my custom UTL_SMTP solution directly to the Mailgun SMTP endpoint, and it worked out of the box. Immediately virtually all our emails were getting sent, even to hotmail addresses. I was able to remove my rate limiting code. Other bonuses were that I now had much better visibility of failed emails – the Mailgun online interface provides access to a detailed log including bounces, spam blocks and other problems. So far I’ve been using it for a few weeks, and of 2,410 emails attempted, 98.55% were delivered, and 1.45% dropped. The emails that were dropped were mainly due to incorrect email addresses in my system, deliberately “bad” test emails I’ve tried, or problems on the target mail servers. One email was blocked by someone’s server which was running SpamAssassin. So overall I’ve been blown away by how well this is running.

Once I had my immediate problem solved, I decided to have a closer look at the RESTful API. This provides a few intriguing features not supported by the SMTP interface, such as sending an email to multiple recipients with substitution strings in the message, and each recipient only sees their own name in the “To” field. My previous solution for this involved sending many emails; the API means that I can send the request to Mailgun just once, and Mailgun will send out all the individual emails.

Another little bonus is that Mailgun’s API also includes a souped-up email address validator. This validator doesn’t just check email addresses according to basic email address formatting, it also checks the MX records on the target domain to determine whether it’s likely to accept emails. For some domains (such as and I noticed that it even does some level of checking of the user name portion of the email address. It’s still not absolutely perfect, but it’s better than other email validation routines I’ve seen.

Note: Mailgun supports maximum message size of 25MB.

Email Validation Plugin

Mailgun also provide a jQuery plugin for their email address validator which means you can validate user-entered email addresses on the client before they even hit your server. To take advantage of this in Oracle APEX I created the Mailgun Email Validator Dynamic Plugin that you can use and adapt if you want.


If you follow me on twitter you are probably already aware that I’ve started building a PL/SQL API to make the Mailgun RESTful API accessible to Oracle developers. You can try it out for yourself by downloading from here if you want. The WIKI on Github has detailed installation instructions (it’s a little involved) and an API reference.

The API supports the following Mailgun features:

  • Email validation – does the same thing as the jQuery-based plugin, but on the server
  • Send email
    • Attachments (CLOB or BLOB)
    • Inline images
    • Mailgun tags
    • Custom mail headers
  • Query Mailgun logs – bounces, unsubscribes, spam complaints


  (p_from_email => ''
  ,p_to_email   => ''
  ,p_subject    => 'Test Subject'
  ,p_message    => 'Test Message'

The API Reference has a lot more detailed examples.

My implementation of the Send Email API so far supports the following features:

Attachments Yes
Asynchronous Yes
Rate limited Yes*
Anti-Spam Yes*
SSL/TLS Yes, required
Authentication Yes

Features marked “Yes*”: these are provided by the Mailgun service by default, they are not specific to this PL/SQL API.

I’m planning to add more features to the API as-and-when I have a use for them, or if someone asks me very nicely to build them. I’ll be pleased if you fork the project from Github and I welcome your pull requests to merge improvements in. I recommend reading through the Mailgun API Documentation for feature ideas.

If you use either of these in your project, please let me know as I’d love to hear about your experience with it.

Link: Oracle PL/SQL API for Mailgun

This article was not solicited nor paid for by Mailgun. I just liked the service so I wanted to blog about it.

UPDATE 26/4/2016: release 0.4 now uses Oracle AQ to enable asynchronous calls.

UPDATE 5/11/2016: release 0.6 adds APIs for querying your Mailgun logs. Also, added a note about UTL_MAIL’s attachment size limit.

UPDATE 4/10/2017: release 1.0 fixes some bugs and adds a few small features.

Google Map APEX Plugins

I’ve published two three APEX Region Plugins on that allow you to incorporate a simple Google Map region into your application. They’re easy to use, and you don’t need to apply for a Google API key or anything like that (although you can plug your key in if you have one, which enables a few additional features).

1. Simple Map


This allows you to add a small map to a page to allow the user to select any arbitrary point. If you synchronize it with an item on your page, it will put the Latitude, Longitude into that item. If the item has a value on page load, or is changed, the pin on the map is automatically updated.


2. Report Map


This allows you to add a map to a page, and based on a SQL query you supply, it will render a number of pins on the map. Each pin has an ID, a name (used when the user hovers over a pin), and an info text (which can be almost any HTML, rendered in a popup window when the user clicks a pin).

If the user clicks a pin, the ID can be set in a page item.


3. GeoHeatMap

EDIT: the GeoHeatMap plugin was deprecated in 2019; its features have been incorporated into the ReportMap plugin.

Visualise a large set of data points on the map using the Google Maps “Heatmap” visualisation. All you need to do is supply a SQL Query that returns the data points to show, and the visualisation library does the rest.


Your SQL Query must be in the following format:

select lat, lng, weight from mydata;

You can set the Map Style (e.g. to the light blue/greyscale style you see above) easily on this plugin; just copy-and-paste the style codes from a site like


If you notice a bug or have a great idea to enhance a plugin, don’t comment on this post – instead please raise an issue on GitHub.

Refer to GitHub or my Plugins page for future updates.