Quick Draw Fail

It rarely pays to answer too quickly.

Yesterday’s question at the PL/SQL Challenge was about aliases for expressions in cursor-based record types.

   CURSOR profitable_internet_stocks
      SELECT SUM (share_price) FROM nasdaq_listings
       WHERE profits > 0 AND sector = 'INTERNET';
   few_and_far_in_between   profitable_internet_stocks%ROWTYPE;
   OPEN profitable_internet_stocks;
   FETCH profitable_internet_stocks
   INTO few_and_far_in_between;
   CLOSE profitable_internet_stocks;

The question asked what code, inserted where the “display_statement” comment is, would display the result of the query. Without thinking too hard about it, I ticked the fourth option as correct:

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (few_and_far_in_between.sum_share_price);

I had this stupid idea that Oracle would step in and magically create an alias for the column*. A millisecond after clicking “Accept”, I realised I’d got it wrong. I’d assumed that at least one of the answers were likely to be correct, which is obviously not true.

* EDIT: Gary Myers has blogged about this too and explains that Oracle does, indeed, create an alias.

APEX Browser Requirement

Whereas APEX 3.2.1 (and earlier, I think) required one of:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later version
  • Firefox 1.0 or later

APEX 4.0 requires:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later version
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or later version
  • Google Chrome 4.0 or later version
  • Apple Safari 4.0 or later version

While they’ve dropped support for IE 6, it does mention that you can still develop applications that will work perfectly well on the older version. Also, it’s good to see Oracle officially supporting more browsers, including Chrome. I’ve been using Chrome to develop APEX applications for quite a while now, and the only problem I’ve encountered is that the procedure editor wouldn’t work. I’ve tried it in APEX 4.0 using EPG and it seems to work fine – so that’s good. I doubt APEX will ever really replace SQL Developer but it’s already useful for many development and maintenance tasks.

Unit Test != Requirements

Are one or more usage examples enough to specify the requirements for something? For example:

rtrim('123000', '0'); would return '123'

No, as can be seen here: Oracle 8, SQL: RTRIM for string manipulation is not working as expected (Stackoverflow)

When I read that question I thought of TDD (Test Driven Development), something I think I should be doing more of. As said here, however, “Are tests sufficient documentation?  Very likely not, but they do form an important part of it.”

I’ve seen unit test cases used as a form of documentation. Generally they could be useful for this – to tell part of the story – but if they only consist of “enter this, expect that”, they will never be good enough to replace requirements documentation.

Footnote: How about the source code – is that sufficient as documentation? In one sense, yes – the source code is the best documentation of what the system does now. What’s lacking, however, is documentation of the business requirements – and this gap can be huge (see e.g. Agile Development and Requirements Management).


I just wanted to bring attention to some very interesting discussion (that’s been going on for years now) regarding Table APIs (TAPI) versus Transactional APIs (XAPI). Some very nice answers, as well as a bit of controversy 🙂

My favourite 11g thing

For too long I’ve muddled my way through using the built-in “explain plan” feature of the IDE-that-shall-remain-nameless provided by the client; but now that they’ve successfully upgraded from 9i to 11g, I’m now in a much better place. No longer will I wonder which table each step in a plan refers to, or what filters are being applied where.

DBMS_XPLAN is the best!

--get plan for a query
set pagesize 0 linesize 999 heading off feedback off echo on
explain plan for
SELECT bla FROM mytable WHERE bla;
set echo off
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display(format=>'ALL'));
--get plan for cursor in cache
set pagesize 0 linesize 999 heading off feedback off
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(
sql_id=>'fnumywukcm2ng', cursor_child_no=> 0, format=>'ALL'));


I’ve enjoyed reading and participating in StackOverflow for over a year now.

With the introduction of Area51, there is now the possibility of starting a new Q&A site for all things Oracle – as pointed out by Rob Van Wijk and Gary Myers. Sure there are other fora such as OTN, but they don’t have the kinds of features that make SO fun and self-moderating. SO is more like a cross between a Q&A forum and a wiki, with the addition of a democratic system of reputation points that allow good questions and answers to bubble up to the top.

If you agree, please head over to Area 51 – Oracle Databases and Follow it to voice your agreement.

Single-Point-of-Definition by Example

Steven Feuerstein lists seven excellent “Golden Rules” in his presentation (via Eddie Awad) and says “Don’t repeat anything. Aim for a Single Point of Definition for every aspect of your application – formulas, business rules, magic values, SQL statements.” giving the following code as exhibit A:


I’m guessing in his presentation he spoke about various things that could be done to improve this code, but they’re not in the PDF; so I’d like to give it a go myself and see how much we can improve the maintainability of this code by reducing hard-coding.

1. Type Declarations

Instead of declaring parameters and variables as NUMBER, VARCHAR2 etc, these should use the %TYPE operator so that they are automatically synchronized with the datatype from the table columns they represent:

PROCEDURE process_employee
(department_id_in IN employees.department_id%TYPE)
   l_id     employees.employee_id%TYPE;
   l_salary employees.salary%TYPE;

l_name, however, is not based on any table column we know of at this point; so there is no %TYPE we can use for it. But bear with me, we’ll fix this later.

2. Magic Values

This one’s a no-brainer: that “10000000” is obviously a magic value that some bean-counter decided was the correct threshold for the CEO’s salary. Whatever.

You might define this as a constant defined in a global package specification, e.g.

CREATE PACKAGE employee_constant AS
ceo_salary_threshold CONSTANT employees.salary%TYPE := 10000000;
END employee_constant;

Personally, I’d suspect that the business will review and revise this number from time to time, to keep up with inflation; so we might end up needing a database table to store the current threshold, plus a date range for which the threshold applies. I’d then add an interface on top of this table so that queries and procedures don’t need to know how to get the current threshold. We can retrofit this later by changing ceo_salary_threshold into a function instead of a constant. That’s a bit beyond the scope of this exercise, however.

3. Formatting Rules

The rule about formatting an employee name as “LAST,FIRST” is duplicated in a comment and in the SELECT statement; and chances are it will be required elsewhere in the application as well. My preferred method for creating a SPOD for this sort of business rule used to be to move the implementation into a view, e.g.:

CREATE VIEW formatted_employees AS
SELECT employees.*,
       employees.last_name || ',' || employees.first_name
       AS full_name
FROM   employees;
COMMENT ON COLUMN formatted_employees.full_name
IS 'Full name: LAST COMMA FIRST (ReqDoc 123.A.47)';

This view is what I like to call a “formatting” view: it is only allowed to query one table, it contains no WHERE, GROUP BY or HAVING clauses, and it selects all the columns from the table. The view can be used almost anywhere the table may be used. It adds additional columns that format the data in various ways. If need be, we can even add INSTEAD OF triggers to handle inserts/updates on the derived columns – if the business rules make the conversion from derived-to-underlying-column well defined.

So, now we can redefine the cursor as:

CURSOR emps_in_dept_cur
   SELECT employee_id, salary, full_name AS lname
     FROM formatted_employees
    WHERE department_id = department_id_in;

Notice that I don’t call the column “last_comma_first” or anything like that – that would again be hard-coding the business rule, which would then be replicated throughout the application. In Oracle 11g, however, I think it might be better to create virtual columns on the table instead:

ALTER TABLE employees ADD (
full_name VARCHAR2(100)
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (last_name || ',' || first_name) VIRTUAL
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.full_name
IS 'Full name: LAST COMMA FIRST (ReqDoc 123.A.47)';
CURSOR emps_in_dept_cur
   SELECT employee_id, salary, full_name AS lname
     FROM employees
    WHERE department_id = department_id_in;

The virtual column can have its own stats, and even an index if needed for querying.

Another option would be to create a function that does this formatting:

CREATE FUNCTION employee_full_name
   (last_name  IN employees.last_name%TYPE,
    first_name IN employees.first_name%TYPE)
--Full name: LAST COMMA FIRST (ReqDoc 123.A.47)
   RETURN last_name || ',' || first_name;
END employee_full_name;

We could call this function from the procedure or the view, but if we’re on 11g there’s no reason we can’t create a virtual column on it:

ALTER TABLE employees ADD (
full_name VARCHAR2(100)
AS (employee_full_name(last_name,first_name)) VIRTUAL

Another advantage to using the view or a virtual column is that we can now remove the “VARCHAR2 (100)” from the variable declaration, e.g.:

l_name   employees.full_name%TYPE;

4. Cursor Parameter

The cursor refers directly to the parameter to the procedure, which is a no-no – this couples the cursor too much with the procedure, i.e. we can’t re-use it elsewhere unless we always define a variable “department_id_in”. Instead, we should use a cursor parameter:

CURSOR emps_in_dept_cur
   (department_id_in IN employees.department_id%TYPE)
   SELECT employee_id, salary, full_name AS lname
     FROM employees
    WHERE department_id = emps_in_dept_cur.department_id_in;

The addition of the context “emps_in_dept_cur.” is not strictly necessary, but it is good practice to define the scope of all variables so that unrelated changes (e.g. the addition of a column called “department_id_in”) don’t change the code.

5. Cursor Row Type

What if we need to add 10 more columns to the cursor? At the moment we’re adding one more variable for each column of the cursor, and specifying it three times (variable declaration, cursor SELECT clause, and the FETCH INTO). We can reduce this to just once by declaring a cursor row type instead:

PROCEDURE process_employee
   (department_id_in IN employees.department_id%TYPE)
   CURSOR emps_in_dept_cur
      (department_id_in IN employees.department_id%TYPE)
      SELECT employee_id, salary, full_name lname
        FROM employees
       WHERE department_id = emps_in_dept_cur.department_id_in;
   TYPE emps_in_dept_cur_type IS emps_in_dept_cur%ROWTYPE;
   emp emps_in_dept_cur_type;
   OPEN emps_in_dept_cur;
      FETCH emps_in_dept_cur
      INTO emp;

6. Don’t COMMIT

Procedures should rarely COMMIT (there are very few exceptions to this rule, e.g. procedures declared as autonomous transactions). Transactional control should be left to the calling process – this process might need to be done along with a number of other changes elsewhere, and we would want to either COMMIT or ROLLBACK all the changes together as one transaction. What if the next procedure raised an error and we had to rollback? Our system would be left in an inconsistent state.

7. Error Package

That RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR hard-codes an error code and an error message. What if we type the error number wrong somewhere? If the calling process handles ORA-20907 in some fashion, but we mistype it as -20908 in one procedure, the calling process will not handle it.
We could declare an exception instead, e.g. in a global package specification:

CREATE PACKAGE employee_exception AS
invalid_dept_id EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_dept_id, -20907);
END employee_exception;

Now, our exception handler can raise just the one exception:

   RAISE employee_exception.invalid_dept_id;

However, we’ve now lost the error message. It would be better to create an error-handling package instead:

CREATE PACKAGE employee_error AS
 invalid_error_no CONSTANT NUMBER := -20000;
 invalid_error_no_exception EXCEPTION;
 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_error_no_exception, -20000);
 invalid_dept_id CONSTANT NUMBER := -20907;
 invalid_dept_id_exception EXCEPTION;
 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (invalid_dept_id_exception, -20907);
 PROCEDURE raise_exception (error_no IN NUMBER);
END employee_exception;

 PROCEDURE raise_exception (error_no IN NUMBER) IS
 CASE error_no
 WHEN invalid_dept_id
 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(invalid_dept_id, 'Invalid department ID');
 ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(invalid_error_no, 'Bug: invalid error number');
 END message;
END employee_exception;

EDIT: PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT only accepts literal numbers for its second parameter (or else you get PLS-00702 at compile time) – fixed accordingly

Now, our exception handler is nicely modular:


So now, our code looks like this:

PROCEDURE process_employee (department_id_in IN employees.department_id%TYPE)
   CURSOR emps_in_dept_cur (department_id_in IN employees.department_id%TYPE)
      SELECT employee_id, salary, full_name lname
        FROM employees
       WHERE department_id = emps_in_dept_cur.department_id_in;
   TYPE emps_in_dept_cur_type IS emps_in_dept_cur%ROWTYPE;
   emp emps_in_dept_cur_type;
   OPEN emps_in_dept_cur;
      FETCH emps_in_dept_cur
      INTO emp;

      IF emp.salary > employee_constant.ceo_salary_threshold THEN adjust_comp_for_ceo (emp.salary);
      ELSE analyze_compensation (emp.employee_id, emp.salary, employee_constant.ceo_salary_threshold); END IF;
      EXIT WHEN emps_in_dept_cur%NOTFOUND;

One final change that one might make here is to move the SQL query right out of the procedure and use a ref cursor instead, supplied by a central “employee_cursor” package.

There are probably plenty of other changes we could make to improve the maintainability of this code further.
What do you think?

Another way to learn something new every day

The PL/SQL ChallengeMy morning routine for the last few weeks has had a small addition – just a few minutes to log on The PL/SQL Challenge at 8am (WST) and answer a quiz question.

This is a great way to test the depth and breadth of your knowledge of Oracle PL/SQL. Whether you’re a beginner in the field or have years of experience, I’m certain you’ll occasionally learn something new – plus, it’s completely free!

Some of the questions are fairly general, others are trivial; while they’re never “trick” questions, they can still trip you up if you’re not observant!

I think I have an unfair advantage, being in this timezone – early morning is when I am most alert and ready to tackle any challenge.

A couple of things I’ve learned recently:

  • UTL_FILE.putf can be used if you want to use C-style “printf” syntax, e.g. '\n'
  • SIGNTYPE is a standard subtype that can only take values of NULL, -1, 0 or 1

(I’ve learned a few other things as well, but I’ve forgotten what they were :|)

Two sides of the same fence?

In my daily reading these two articles came fairly close together, and I have a strong feeling they are describing exactly the same project. *

From one side of the fence: A total rewrite: costly, time-consuming, but worth it?

“Our CMS was developed using Active Server Pages, and consisted of around 80,000 lines of VBScript code.”

“as we continued to develop the rest of the framework, we saw that it took a lot longer than anticipated”

From the other side: The Homegrown CMS

“If one were to create a list of adjectives to describe this monstrosity, “stable,” “reliable,” and “accurate” would be strikingly absent.”

“…nearly 200 tables (mostly imported from Microsoft Access) and not a single stored procedure. Boolean-type values were represented as a CHAR(5) field, holding possible values of ‘true’, ‘false’, or NULL…

“There were also no indexes. Nor any primary key columns… For inserts, an ID was assigned via in-line SQL by requesting the Max(ID) field of any particular table and adding 1.”

My point of view: this sounds like a good counter-example to the (very good, but general) advice offered by Joel Spolsky: don’t rewrite from scratch.

* EDIT: Vidar Langberget has advised that these are not the same project, proving that I’m not such a great prognosticator 😐