AUSOUG Perth 2010 – Day 1

After a leisurely sleep-in (after a weekend away at the parents’-in-law farm) I made my way to Burswood for the first day of the AUSOUG Perth Conference 2010.

After Roland Slee’s keynote (“consolidate consolidate consolidate!”), I headed upstairs for Steven Feuerstein’s “Golden Rules for Developers” – webinar edition. Unfortunately due to technical issues it started late (no fault of Steven’s) but I think he got the important points across.

Following that was Penny Cookson with “Meet the CBO in Version 11g”. She explained a number of improvements in the Cost-Based Optimizer that came with 11g, including a detailed demonstration of adaptive cursor sharing.

After lunch I decided to take in a DBA session – Guy Harrison spoke about how Oracle runs on VMware, which had some very interesting info about the difference between Full Virtualisation, Paravirtualisation, and Hardware-Assisted Virtualisation. A lot of it went over my head but I got a slightly better picture of what’s going on when I run an OS in a VM, as well as how proper memory and CPU allocation can make a huge difference to the performance of Oracle in a virtual environment.

I lost count of how many great tips Scott Wesley gave in his “‘n’ Methods to Improve APEX Performance” presentation – but there were a lot of great ideas, many that are simple and easy to implement, which can make a big difference to the performance of your Apex applications.

It was great to see the level of interest in APEX Themes and Templates – if you’d like to look through the bits that I skipped over, feel free to download my presentation from here.

“It works, just not for the reason you think”
AUSOUG Perth 2010 – Day 2


  1. I counted 32

    I meant to ask question that for a t-shirt 🙂

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