Faster APEX using mod_expires

This is a followup on my earlier series on setting up APEX on Linux. In it I described how I used Apache web server in front of APEX, instead of accessing APEX directly via OWA (this was so that I could use the same port to serve ordinary web pages and files via HTTP).

A consequence of that set up is that all my APEX pages are a little slow to load up because none of the images are being cached on the client. To solve this I added the following lines to my httpd.conf:

<LocationMatch /i>
   ExpiresActive on
   ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"

<LocationMatch /apex>
   ExpiresActive on
   ExpiresDefault "access"
   ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
   ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
   ExpiresByType image/bmp "access plus 1 month"

My location “/i” points to the images used by APEX. Since there are only images in there I’ve told it to expire everything (ExpiresDefault) after a month.

The location “/apex” is for the actual APEX pages, including APEX application images which are not in /i/. I’ve set the default to “access” (in other words, don’t cache them), but added exceptions for the various image types in use to cache for a month.

Dirt Cheap Oracle step #6 of 6: Migrate the APEX applications
Not an OpenWorld post: AUSOUG Conference Day 1

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