Fixing phone numbers

An enhancement request I was assigned was worded thus:

“User will optionally enter the Phone number (IF the phone was blank the system will default the store’s area code).”

I interpret this to mean that the Customer Phone number (land line) field should remain optional, but if entered, it should check if the local area code had been entered, and if not, default it according to the local store’s area code. We can assume that the area code has already been entered if the phone number starts with a zero (0).

This is for a retail chain with stores throughout Australia and New Zealand, and the Apex session knows the operator’s store ID. I can look up the country code and phone number for their store with a simple query, which will return values such as (these are just made up examples):

Country AU, Phone: +61 8 9123 4567 – area code should be 08
Country AU, Phone: 08 91234567 – area code should be 08
Country AU, Phone: +61 2 12345678 – area code should be 02
Country AU, Phone: 0408 123 456 – no landline area code
Country NZ, Phone: +64 3 123456 – area code should be 03
Country NZ, Phone: 0423 456 121 – area code should be 04

They only want to default the area code for landlines, so if the store’s phone number happens to be a mobile phone number it should not do any defaulting.

Step 1: create a database function (in a database package, natch) to return the landline area code for any given store ID.

FUNCTION get_store_landline_area_code (p_store_id IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
  v_area_code VARCHAR2(2);
  v_country_code stores_vw.country_code%TYPE;
  v_telephone_number stores_vw.telephone_number%TYPE;
  IF p_store_code IS NOT NULL THEN


      SELECT country_code
      INTO   v_country_code
      FROM   stores_vw
      WHERE  store_id = p_store_id;

        := CASE
           -- Australian International land line
           WHEN p_country_code = 'AU'
           AND REGEXP_LIKE(p_telephone_number, '^\+61( ?)[2378]')
             --e.g. +61 8 9752 6100
             THEN '0' || SUBSTR(REPLACE(p_telephone_number,' '), 4, 1)
           -- Australian Local land line
           WHEN p_country_code = 'AU'
           AND REGEXP_LIKE(p_telephone_number, '^0[2378]')
             THEN SUBSTR(p_telephone_number, 1, 2)
           -- New Zealand International land line
           WHEN p_country_code = 'NZ'
           AND REGEXP_LIKE(p_telephone_number, '^\+64( ?)[34679]')
             -- e.g. +64 3 1234 567
             THEN '0' || SUBSTR(REPLACE(p_telephone_number,' '), 4, 1)
           -- New Zealand Local land line
           WHEN p_country_code = 'NZ'
           AND REGEXP_LIKE(p_telephone_number, '^0[34679]')
             THEN SUBSTR(p_telephone_number, 1, 2)


  RETURN v_area_code;
END get_store_landline_area_code;

Phone number references:

Step 2: add a Dynamic Action to prepend the area code to the phone number, if it wasn’t entered already:

Event: Change
Selection Type: Item(s)
Condition: Javascript expression
Value: $v("P1_CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER").length > 0 && $v("P1_CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER").charAt(0) != "0"
True Action: Set Value
Set Type: PL/SQL Expression
PL/SQL Expression: my_util_pkg.get_store_landline_area_code(:F_USER_STORE_ID) || :P1_CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER

Now, when the user types in a local land line but forget the prefix, the system will automatically add it in as soon as they tab out of the field. If the phone number field is unchanged, or is left blank, this will do nothing.

It assumes that the customer’s phone number uses the same prefix as the store, which in most cases will be true. Ultimately the user will still need to check that the phone number is correct for the customer.

APEX Interactive Report raising javascript error
Parallel Development in APEX

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