Add a “Who’s Online Now” box to your APEX app

Something to file under “pointless fun”…

Allow your users to feel like they’re part of a community by letting them know who else is using the app at the same time.

  1. Open APEX Application Builder, and open the page you want to add this to.
  2. Click the Create Region icon.
  3. Choose Report, then SQL Report.
  4. Enter a title, e.g. “Who’s Online Now”. Click Next.
  5. Copy the following for the SQL Query (sorry about the poor formatting):
    SELECT apex_user || ' (' || minutes_ago
           || DECODE(minutes_ago,1,' min ago)',' mins ago)')
    FROM (
             OVER (PARTITION BY apex_user ORDER BY seconds_ago)
             AS minutes_ago
      FROM apex_workspace_activity_log
      WHERE application_id = :APP_ID
      AND seconds_ago < 3600
      AND apex_user NOT IN (:APP_USER, 'nobody')
      ORDER BY 2);
  6. Click Next. Click Create Region.

You can customise the region as much as you like. For example, I use:

  • Template (under Region Definition) = “Sidebar Region”
  • Report Template (under Report Attributes) = “template: 16. One Column Unordered List”
  • Pagination Scheme = “- No Pagination Selected -“
  • Headings Type = “None”

The query is based on the APEX view apex_workspace_activity_log which is supplied with the product. It looks at all session activity within the last hour by users other than the current user, and returns a list showing their most recent activity.

The only slight problem is that it doesn’t detect when someone logs out – they’ll stay in the report for up to an hour.

WITH With an IN; or, A Reason to Refactor
Prefix searches, Wildcard characters and LIKE

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