And you thought OR was commutative…

I came across this at dbdebunk (ON THE NOTHING THAT’S WRONG WITH NULLS with Hugh Darwen, Fabian Pascal). Couldn’t let that go so I tested it under 9i (9.1) and 10g (10.2) and got identical results. The last two statements are logically equivalent, but gives different results!

SQL> create type point as object (x real, y real);/

Type created.

SQL> create table t (p point);

Table created.

SQL> insert into t values (point(null, null));

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t values (point(1, null));

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t values (point(1, 2));

1 row created.

SQL> select * from t;

P(X, Y)
POINT(1, 2)

SQL> select * from t where p=p or not p=p;

P(X, Y)
POINT(1, 2)

SQL> select * from t where not p=p or p=p;

P(X, Y)
POINT(1, 2)

According to CM, it looks like a bug. The filter predicates seem to be applied incorrectly by the optimiser:

where ( p=p ) or ( not p=p );

filter(“T”.”SYS_NC00003$”=”T”.”SYS_NC00003$” AND
“T”.”SYS_NC00002$”=”T”.”SYS_NC00002$” OR T.”P”T.”P”)

where ( not p=p ) or ( p=p );

filter(T.”P”T.”P” OR “T”.”SYS_NC00002$”=”T”.”SYS_NC00002$”)

Is this code actually unreachable?
Oracle 101: The (Very) Basics

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