Experimenting with Oracle
I’ll post here results from some experiments I’m doing with Oracle. I want to explore the implications and possible benefits of mapping a truly relational logical database model directly to the physical model. In other words:
- Every entity mapped to a “base table”
- Every base table has one or more Unique keys (one arbitrarily chosen as “Primary”)
- No surrogate keys, except where the model doesn’t include any natural key
- All columns mandatory
- Application interfaces via fully updateable views (materialized or not)
In particular, I would like to determine how (if possible) to implement various types of table and database constraints apart from the standard PK and FK constraints.
Initial experiments indicate most of this is very possible, and with careful coding can be made to work. In fact, I’m sure some advantages over common practice will be demonstrated.
I’m doing all this on Oracle 10g Release 2 which I downloaded recently. I’ve installed it on my P4 with XP Home. For the frontend I’m using HtmlDB 1.6, although I’ll probably upgrade to HtmlDB 2.0 soon.
I should note that I don’t seriously expect this approach to have enough merit to be used in real projects – but this is not because of a lack in the relational model of data but because of the poor support of it by the SQL standard (and therefore, by DBMS’s that implement it). Therefore, I expect that to get all this to work I’ll have to write a lot of code very carefully, but that the resulting database will be very easy to write applications and queries for. For example, implementing all constraints on the database for a particular entity means that I don’t need complicated constraint checking code in every module that works with that entity.
I expect I may have to wrestle with row locking and handling constraint violations correctly in the presence of multiple users/sessions; I don’t want to have to enforce serialized access to get this to work because of the scalability problem.
I’ve found it interesting so far, anyway.