For a long time my disaster recovery procedure for my Amazon EC2-based web site was:
- Find an Oracle AMI that has 10g XE with APEX pre-installed, and start up an instance with it.
- Create a volume from a backup snapshot and attach it to the new instance.
- Log into the instance, shut down apache and oracle, then delete all the oracle data files, apache config files, and a few other bits and pieces.
- Create symbolic links for the deleted bits and pieces (including the oracle data files) that point to the attached volume.
- Start up oracle and apache and test.
- Switch the elastic IP over to the new instance.
This procedure has been tested and retested multiple times, and came in useful once when I almost lost the site (actually, it just went unresponsive due to some general problems at Amazon, but at the time I thought it’d had gone down).
Last week I logged in to the AWS Management Console to do a routine backup-and-restore test, but discovered a problem: it couldn’t find the Oracle 10g XE AMI. Searches on the image ID and various keywords, across all the Amazon regions, returned no results. Searches on “oracle” brought back a number of options but none of them close to what I required. I enquired with Amazon and they responded that the AMIs are supplied by Oracle and had been removed. I discovered this meant that not only could I not start up an instance using one of these images, I also couldn’t point to my running instance and “start up another like this” – because this requires access to the original AMI that was used to start it.
The machine image which I was trying to find is (at least, as of today 5 Jul 2011) still referred to here: “Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Express Edition – 32 Bit” so I raised a question on the oracle forum (�) and sent an email to Bill Hodak at Oracle who was named in the description of the AMI. He replied he would see if he could find out what had happened to it.
At this point I was hoping that my running instance wouldn’t go down, because I didn’t know if I’d be able to restore from backup. My backup consisted solely of snapshots of just the data – the rest of the OS was supposed to be provided by the AMI.
Meanwhile, asam replied to my oracle forum thread, suggesting I create my own AMI. A bit of googling yielded this result, which proved very helpful: “Creating an Amazon EC2 EBS AMI from a running instance”. I followed the instructions, slightly modified as follows:
- Use AWS Management Console to create a new volume
- Attach the volume to my running instance and mount it:
# mkdir /u03
# mount -t ext3 /dev/sdf /u03
- Move everything from the old volume so that it all sits under / again instead of via symbolic links
- Synchronize the filesystem to the new volume:
# rsync -a --delete --progress -x / /u03
- When rsync has completed, fix up the devices:
# MAKEDEV -d /u03/dev -x console
# MAKEDEV -d /u03/dev -x zero
# MAKEDEV -d /u03/dev -x null
- Unmount the volume:
# umount /u03
- Get the EC2 X.509 cert and private key from the “Security Credentials” area under “Account” in AWS Management Console.
- Download the Amazon EC2 API tools:
- I needed java to run the API tools, so download the rpm:
jre-6u26-linux-i586.rpm – e.g. from
- Upload the EC2 X.509 cert and private key, the Amazon EC2 API tools, and the java rpm to the instance. Unzip and install the API tools and the java rpm.
- Set up all the required environment variables (replace xxxwith the appropriate bits from the relevant file names):
# export EC2_CERT=/root/cert-xxx.pem
# export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=/root/pk-xxx.pem
# export EC2_HOME=(path-to-ec2-stuff)
# export JAVA_HOME=(path-to-java-stuff)
# export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
- Set up a symbolic link so that the EC2 tools can find java:
# ln -s (path-to-java-stuff) /usr/bin/java
- Back in the AWS Management Console, create a snapshot of the volume.
- In the instance, run this command (this is the only command you can’t do in the management console, which is what all that rigmarole about installing the API tools was all about):
# ec2-register --snapshot snap-xxx --description "my ami description" --name "my ami name"
--ramdisk ari-yyy --kernel aki-zzz --region ap-southeast-1
You can get the snapshot, ramdisk and kernel identifiers from the AWS Management Console. (my instance was running in Singapore, so my region is ap-southeast-1)
- Back in AWS Management Console, I see my new AMI has been created. All I have to do now is select it, click Launch Instance, and a copy of my site is up and running.
I startup the database and see if it’s working. Unfortunately it isn’t – a bit more investigation revealed that the Oracle listener was not responding to requests. lsnrctl status reveals that it is still using the old internal IP address from the original instance – but this is a new instance with a different internal IP address.
To fix this, I edit listener.ora to correct the IP:
# cd /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/admin
# chmod +w listener.ora
# vi listener.ora
The IP address is listed as the “Private IP Address” on the instance in AWS Management Console.
# lsnrctl start
After that, it’s all working – and very soon I will have a much simpler (and hopefully somewhat less reliant on the kindness of big corporations) disaster recovery process. I just need to work out the simplest way to restore the data from backup to the new instance. I’ll probably just create a new volume from a backup snapshot, attach it to the instance, and copy all the data across.
UPDATE: With an EBS-backed volume, I can now create a new AMI from the running instance whenever I want – it takes a complete snapshot of the instance, from which I can then create new instances. So my disaster recovery procedure is much simpler than it was before 🙂
Today a project manager asked me about a change to a query being implemented for a search function on our 11gR2 database. His concern was that the new query had a plan that involved several full table scans; whereas the old version used primarily index range scans.
The query used to look something like this:
SELECT score(1) AS score, a.*
FROM entity_details ed
JOIN associations a
ON ed.entity_id = a.entity_id
LEFT JOIN addresses ad
ON ed.entity_id = ad.entity_id
) a
WHERE CONTAINS(a.entity_name,
:criterion, 1) > 0
ORDER BY a.entity_name;
Its plan looked like this:
- SORT ORDER BY cost=52 card=13
- NESTED LOOPS OUTER cost=51 card=13
- NESTED LOOPS cost=31 card=12
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID entity_details cost=7 card=12
- DOMAIN INDEX entity_name_ic cost=4
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID associations cost=2 card=1
- INDEX RANGE SCAN asso_entity_i cost=1 card=1
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID addresses cost=2 card=1
- INDEX RANGE SCAN address_entity_fk_i cost=1 card=1
The new query had an additional predicate:
SELECT score(1) AS score, a.*
FROM entity_details ed
JOIN associations a ON ed.entity_id = a.entity_id
LEFT JOIN addresses ad ON ed.entity_id = ad.entity_id
) a
WHERE CONTAINS(a.entity_name, :criterion, 1) > 0
OR a.entity_name LIKE '%' || UPPER(:criterion) || '%'
ORDER BY a.entity_name;
The query plan for the original query involved index range scans on all the tables; whereas the query plan for the new query involved full table scans on associations and addresses.
SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS cost=348 card=1269
- SORT ORDER BY cost=348 card=1269
- HASH JOIN OUTER cost=347 card=1269
- HASH JOIN cost=244 card=1187
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID entity_details cost=107 card=1187
- INDEX RANGE SCAN entity_name_i cost=4
- DOMAIN INDEX entity_name_ic cost=4
- TABLE ACCESS FULL association cost=136 card=2351
- TABLE ACCESS FULL addresses cost=102 card=18560
Initial testing in dev revealed no noticeable performance difference between the two queries, so he was just concerned about the impact of the full table scans on the system.
As you can see, the new plan was still using the domain index, as well as using the ordinary index on entity_name; concatenating the two sets of ROWIDs (BITMAP OR) and then accessing the table as before. Previously, the cardinality estimate for just the CONTAINS predicate was 12 (side note: I’m curious as to how predicates using context indexes are costed – anyone know any details or references?); now, the total cardinality estimate for entity_details is 1187. The cardinality estimate if we just did the LIKE predicate is 1176 (which is simply 5% of the number of rows in the table). The higher cardinality has pushed the rest of the query away from index accesses for association and addresses, towards hash joins and full table scans on those tables.
If I override the cardinality estimate with a lower figure, e.g.
SELECT /*+CARDINALITY(a.ed 50)*/ score(1) AS score, a.* ...
the query plan changes into a typical nested-loops-with-index-access one:
- SORT ORDER BY cost=295 card=53
- NESTED LOOPS OUTER cost=294 card=53
- NESTED LOOPS cost=207 card=50
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID entity_details cost=107 card=50
- INDEX RANGE SCAN entity_name_i cost=4
- DOMAIN INDEX entity_name_ic cost=4
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID association cost=2 card=1
- INDEX RANGE SCAN asso_entity_i cost=1 card=1
- TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID addresses cost=2 card=1
- INDEX RANGE SCAN address_entity_fk_i cost=1 card=1
Substituting various cardinalities reveals the “tipping point” for this particular instance (with its particular set of statistics and optimizer parameters) to be around 50.
The cardinality estimates for the full table scans should be the major giveaway: they’re all less than 20,000. In fact, the total number of records in each of these tables does not exceed 25,000, and our dev instance has a full set of data.
I advised this manager to not worry about the new plan. These tables are unlikely to grow beyond 100,000 (they only hold records for about 25,000 associations, entered over the past 5 years) for the expected life of the product, and the entire tables fit in under 500 blocks. With a db_file_multiblock_read_count of 128, it’s likely that the first query of the day will load all the blocks of the tables into the buffer cache with just a dozen or so reads.
If this query were to use index range scans plus table accesses for each search, the performance would only become marginally better (and probably imperceptibly so), at the cost of slower queries on the occasions when users enter poor search criteria. Whereas, with full table scans, even with the worst search criteria, they will typically get their results in less than 5 seconds anyway.
We’re so accustomed to tables like “entities” and “addresses” having millions or tens of millions of rows, so instinctively recoil from full table scans on them; but, in this instance at least, to Oracle, these tables are tiny – for which full table scans are often better.
Disclaimer: if you’re looking for an Amazon-basher, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
I had two web sites running on a server at Amazon’s Virginian data center when it suffered the recent issues. The first I heard of it was when one of my primary users called on 20 April to let me know that the web site was down – it was consistently returning 500 Internal Server errors. I wasn’t able to connect to the web site, to Apex, to the database, or even by SSH. Next I checked the AWS Management Console, which reported “Instance connectivity, latency and error rates” for the US-East region – which happens to be the region where our site was running.
Immediately, I calmly went into panic mode. First thing I’d thought I’d try is to reboot the instance. That took a while, but then it wouldn’t come back up again. Uh oh. Next thing I thought I’d do is try to detach the volume from the instance, re-attach it to a new instance, and hope I could bring it back up. AWS, however, seemed unable to detach the volume (probably because it needed to wait for outstanding writes to the disk to be written) – it was stuck in “detaching” mode.
There is an option to “force detach” a volume, but it comes with warnings that it might leave the volume in a corrupted state (since it might not have every change written). I decided to leave it alone for now.
Meanwhile, the web site is down, and my first priority is to get something up and running – so this is a chance to demonstrate that my restore procedure works. Yes, I’ve tested my restore process several times, so I was confident it would work, assuming the Amazon infrastructure is working ok.
The last backup I’d taken was a week ago – the morning of 16 April – stored as a snapshot in the US-East region. Generally, the data center was working reasonably well – it was mainly existing EBS instances that were suffering. Everything was extremely slow, and I got frequent errors. For example, I’d select my snapshot, go “create volume”, and it would report “sorry, an error stopped the volume being created”. So I’d try again, in various availability zones, same error every time. I’d wait for a while, then go back in and find half a dozen volumes in various states of Pending or Available status in various availability zones – it seems it was able to create the volumes after all.
So I delete all but one of them, then start up a new instance. By this time, Amazon have started putting more info on their status page, and it seems the problems are now limited to one availability zone – probably the one our site was in. Now, attach the backup volume to the new instance, and follow my restore procedure to get the site up and running. It took a bit longer than usual (hours instead of minutes), but finally it was all up and running. Switch the Elastic IP over to the backup instance, test the web site – all looks good, except (of course) that all data inserts/changes since 16 April have been lost. So I flip a few switches to stop emails and SMSs being sent (I don’t want people being confused by out-of-date notices), and set the Global Notification string on some of the key applications to let people know what’s going on.
Next step is to see if I can access the stuck volume. It took about two days, but finally the volume was detached, and my instance was terminated. So I start up another instance, get it set up, then attach the volume to it. It immediately was set to “attaching” status, and I couldn’t mount it – and it turned out to be another 24 hours (give or take 12 hours) before it was attached.
In the meantime, since I was just waiting, I thought it would be a good time to finally do what I’d been meaning to for a while – move the site to the Singapore data center, and take a long-overdue offline backup.
The purpose of my first goal was basically to see if being closer physically translates to lower latency to here in Perth. Also, I wanted to work out how best to move data between Amazon regions, so that I’d get even better redundancy. It was good that I had been taking weekly backups, but they were all stored in one data center on the US East coast, and I felt it would be a good idea to move a monthly backup set to a different region in case they irretrievably lost an entire data center.
Amazon don’t provide any option to just move a snapshot, volume, instance or anything between regions. It’s easy to move between availability zones within a region (by taking a snapshot, then creating a new volume from the snapshot targetting a different zone), but you can’t move from one region to another. Therefore, the only option I could find to do this was to bring up a new instance in the Singapore data center, create a volume with matching size (15GB), then transfer the data within the instance using dd and scp. This I did – it took more than 6-7 hours (I’m not sure, because I got tired of waiting and went to bed) – and I had to run fsck on the volume after loading the data, because some of the directories seemed to have lots of inaccessible files showing “? ? ? ?” in the directory listing. After that, however, the site was up and running and my quick smoke test seemed to show up no issues. So I allocated an Elastic IP to the instance, then changed my DNS settings to point to it.
If the entire Amazon EC2 ecosystem were to be blasted off the map in some cataclysmic fireball, I doubt many people would care that my two little sites were gone. More likely, of course, is that I might suffer reduced access to one or more Amazon regions, and if I cannot access them I cannot restore from backup – unless I have one in my care. So I downloaded the dd’ed snapshot. That took about 3 hours to download the 7GB file.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch in Virginia, today (23 April) the old volume was marked as “attached” to my new instance, and I was able to log in to it and mount the volume. I ran fsck on it but it reported no issues. Got the database started up without any issues, and immediately took a complete export. scp’ed the export across to the new instance in Singapore. Imported the data to a new schema. There were only a few tables that would have had critical data created or updated in the past week, so I just compared them – it looked like no-one had made any changes to anything in the replacement instance, so I just truncated them and re-populated them from the data taken from Virginia.
All done – a bit of stress, lots of patience required, but in the end it was relatively simple to get things up and running again. In hindsight, it would have worked out even simpler and easier to just leave the stuck instance alone and wait – I suspect, eventually, it would have come up again no problems. I could have just brought up the backup instance while I waited, maybe set it to read-only. Oh well, lesson learned.
There’s a whole lot of FUD and anger directed at Amazon and cloud services in general, but to my mind, this would have been a darn sight more difficult (or even impossible) if we’d been self-hosting. For example, I didn’t have to leave home to do any of this. I haven’t had to worry about hardware failures or network connectivity at all. If the service goes down once a year like this, it’s not the end of the world. As long as I have a backup to go back to, all is not lost. Amazon never promised 100% uptime or even 100% data retention. So far, for me personally it’s been about 99.6% (over the past two years), and 100% data retention.
And that’s a whole lot better than I could do by myself.
I’m scratching my head over this one. I thought the cost-based optimizer would be smart enough to eliminate certain predicates, joins and sorts automatically, and pick a cheaper plan accordingly; but in my tests it doesn’t seem to. Can you shed any light on this?
First, the setup for my test case:
select * from v$version;
-- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition
-- Release - 64bit Production
-- PL/SQL Release - Production
-- CORE Production
-- TNS for Linux: Version - Production
-- NLSRTL Version - Production
create table parent_table
(parent_id number(12) not null
,padding varchar2(1000)
create table child_table
(child_id number(12) not null
,parent_id number(12) not null
,padding varchar2(1000)
-- I find I need at least 100,000 rows for the
-- differences of costs to become significant
insert into parent_table
select rownum, lpad('x',1000,'x')
from dual connect by level <= 100000;
insert into child_table
select rownum, rownum, lpad('x',1000,'x')
from dual connect by level <= 100000;
alter table parent_table add (
constraint parent_pk primary key (parent_id) );
alter table child_table add (
constraint child_pk primary key (child_id)
,constraint fk foreign key (parent_id)
references parent_table (parent_id) );
create index child_table_parent_i on child_table (parent_id);
begin dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => USER
, tabname => 'PARENT_TABLE'
, estimate_percent => 100
, method_opt => 'for all columns size auto'
, cascade => TRUE); end;
begin dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(ownname => USER
, tabname => 'CHILD_TABLE'
, estimate_percent => 100
, method_opt => 'for all columns size auto'
, cascade => TRUE); end;
Case 1
explain plan for
select count(*)
from child_table;
-- index fast full scan (unique) on child_pk - cost 58 - great
explain plan for
select count(*)
from child_table
where parent_id is not null;
-- index fast full scan on child_table_parent_i - cost 62
Q.1: Why can’t this query with the NOT NULL predicate on a NOT NULL column eliminate the predicate – and use the pk index instead?
Case 2
explain plan for
select count(*)
from parent_table inner join child_table
on (parent_table.parent_id = child_table.parent_id);
-- index fast full scan (unique) on child_pk - cost 58 - great
explain plan for
select count(*)
from parent_table inner join child_table
on (parent_table.parent_id = child_table.parent_id)
order by parent_table.padding;
-- hash join
-- index fast full scan on child_table_parent_i
-- full table scan parent_table
-- - cost 9080
Q.2: The first query eliminated the join; why can’t it eliminate the ORDER BY as well, since it’s irrelevant to the results?
A particular table in our system is a M:M link table between Bonds and Payments, imaginatively named BOND_PAYMENTS; and to make the Java devs’ jobs easier it has a surrogate key, BOND_PAYMENT_ID. Its structure, therefore, is basically:
This is a very simple design, quite common in relational database designs. There is a Primary key constraint on BOND_PAYMENT_ID, and we’ve also added a Unique constraint on (BOND_NUMBER, PAYMENT_ID) since it makes no sense to have more than one link between a Bond and a Payment.
The application allows a user to view all the Payments linked to a particular Bond; and it allows them to create new links, and delete existing links. Once they’ve made all their desired changes on the page, they hit “Save”, and Hibernate does its magic to run the required SQL on the database. Unfortunately, this was failing with ORA-00001: unique constraint violated.
Now, the way this page works is that it compares the old set of payments for the bond with the new target set, and Hibernate works out which records need to be deleted, which need to be inserted, and leaves the rest untouched. Unfortunately, in its infinite wisdom it does the INSERTs first, then it does the DELETEs. Apparently this order can’t be changed.
This is the cause of the unique constraint violation – if the user deletes a link to a payment, then changes their mind and re-inserts a link to the same payment, Hibernate quite happily tries to insert it then delete it. Since these inserts/deletes are running as separate SQL statements, Oracle validates the constraint immediately on the first insert.
We had only a few options:
- Make the constraint deferrable
- Remove the unique constraint
Option 2 was not very palatable, because the constraint provides excellent protection from nasty application bugs that might allow inconsistent data to be saved. We went with option 1.
ALTER TABLE bond_payments ADD
CONSTRAINT bond_payment_uk UNIQUE (bond_number, payment_id)
This solved it – and no changes required to the application. If a bug in the application were to cause it to try to insert a duplicate row, it will fail with ORA-02091 (transaction rolled back) and ORA-00001 (unique constraint violated) when the session COMMITs.
The only downside is that the index created to police this constraint is now a non-unique index, so may be somewhat less efficient for queries. We decided this is not as great a detriment for this particular case.
If you know of any other options that we should have considered, let me know 🙂
This is a totally unfair quiz question (for anyone who isn’t intimately acquainted with the Oracle data dictionary views). There, I’ve warned you. I would have got this one wrong, myself.
Which of the following queries (if any) will run without error?
SELECT * FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE owner = 'SCOTT';
SELECT * FROM all_tab_privs WHERE owner = 'SCOTT';
SELECT * FROM user_tab_privs WHERE owner = 'SCOTT';
Now, don’t go and try running these in your database until after you’ve written down what you think the answers are. That would be cheating 🙂
Ok, now to break the suspense for all the other readers (both of you), who couldn’t be bothered testing it out for yourself.
Statement 1. The query on DBA_TAB_PRIVS will succeed – assuming you have the necessary privileges on the DBA* views. This view does include the column OWNER.
Statement 3. The query on USER_TAB_PRIVS, unlike what I and several others might assume, will succeed. Many data dictionary views, such as USER_TABLES, omit the OWNER column – which makes sense, since it is expected that it will be simply the currently-logged-in user. But for user_tab_privs, this column is provided, for good reason – because the table you have a privilege on may very well be owned by another schema.
Statement 2. The query on ALL_TAB_PRIVS, in order to be consistent with DBA_TAB_PRIVS and USER_TAB_PRIVS, should have the OWNER column, by rights. But, just to make things interesting, the column is called TABLE_SCHEMA instead. So, my query would fail.
I was writing some scripts to drop all the objects in a particular schema on an 11gR2 database, and in querying the USER_OBJECTS view, came across a whole lot of tables with names like this:
What in the world are these? As it turns out, these are overflow tables for Index Organized Tables.
The following query on USER_TABLES (or ALL_TABLES or DBA_TABLES) will reveal all:
SQL> SELECT table_name, iot_type, iot_name FROM USER_TABLES
=================== ============ ==========================
The IOT_NAME reveals the table that owns the overflow table. The create command for TBMS_REF_ACCOUNT_TYPE was:
This means that ACCOUNT_TYPE_CODE and DESCRIPTION will be kept in the index, since these are pretty much the only columns normally accessed; the rest, including the big comments field (which seems to be largely unused), will be stored in the overflow table if they are set.
Right. So I drop the REF table – that should take care of the overflow table, right? Wrong. The SYS_IOT_OVER table is still there! Ah – that’s because the REF table is sitting in the recyclebin. Purge it, and now the SYS_IOT_OVER table is gone. (Not that there was anything wrong with it, mind you – I just wanted to clean this schema out so I could recreate it.)
For more info:
This is a comment on’s article “Generate DML/DDL/QUERY from SQL” – comments are not enabled on their blog so here’s my addendum.
The following query is offered as a means of generating a script to ONLINE all datafiles in a database:
select 'ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '''|| name || ''' online ;'
from v$datafile;
I suggest an alternative method, which is both easier to write and easier to maintain:
select REPLACE(q'[
]','#NAME#',name) from v$datafile;
This way, the syntax within the DDL is unmuddied by the syntax required by the query to generate it. It’s immediately obvious that only single quotes will surround the name of the datafile in the generated DDL.
If you’re on a pre-10g database, you can still use this method, but you’ll need to revert to the old quote-escape:
select REPLACE('
','#NAME#',name) from v$datafile;
I was working happily on my laptop in the living room, kids playing on the rug, birds were singing, et cetera. All of a sudden, a blood-curdling scream erupts from the office. It was my wife.
“Jeff! Is there an “undo” function in the roster program??!?!?”
Uh oh.
(A very quick bit of background: the “roster program” is a little Apex application I wrote so my wife can manage a roster of over 100 volunteers at our local church, assigning them to a range of duties, while ensuring that they are available, are willing to perform the duty, and that their assignments do not conflict with other assignments (i.e. they normally can’t do two jobs at once).)
I open the program and look at the roster. It’s almost completely blank. Only half an hour previously it was almost completely filled. Not looking good. Rosalie runs into the room, beside herself – with good reason, even with the computer helping it takes a lot of effort to assign all the jobs.
Her: “Didn’t you build an “undo” feature?”
Me: “No – I didn’t get around to it…” While querying the database directly and finding that yes, indeed, all the rows have nothing but NULLs, I’m preparing to console her and offer to help to rebuild it. “Do you remember what was happening just before it all disappeared?”
Her: “I selected all the dates, selected just the “Helper” jobs, then clicked the “Clear Dates” button.”
Me: “Ohhhhhhhhhh……” Disaster. I now explain that the “Clear Dates” button is intended to clear all the assignments for the dates selected, not just the ones showing on the screen. Plus, she’d selected all the dates, so it went off and merrily cleared every single assignment from the roster. “Did you happen to email any spreadsheets to anyone?” I ask in vain hope.
Her: “Yes, but only for a few jobs. I guess I can put those back in and start the rest from scratch.” says my poor wife, trudging away knowing she’ll be doing this for the next five hours. Instead of cooking dinner. This is getting worse by the minute!
Me: “Hang on! I have an idea – leave it with me.” I say, thinking, “I hope that the rollback segment is big enough…”
I run this query:
select * from roster_dates2
as of timestamp systimestamp - 0.1;
With this result:
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 3
with name "_SYSSMU3$" too small
Ok, maybe a shorter time difference:
select * from roster_dates2
as of timestamp systimestamp - 0.01;
Like magic, all the roster assignments that had been NULL are showing as NOT NULL. Brilliant! So now some UPDATE wizardry…
update roster_dates2
set (vol_id_worship_am, vol_id_worship_pm, ...)
= (select vol_id_worship_am, vol_id_worship_pm, ...
from roster_dates2 as of timestamp systimestamp - 0.01 x
where x.roster_date = roster_dates2.roster_date)
where roster_date between to_date('05-APR-2009','DD-MON-YYYY')
and add_months(sysdate, +12);
A quick query to check it hasn’t done anything drastically wrong, then commit.
Me: “Rosalie, do you want to hit the Refresh button?”
Then, fast steps.
A big smile followed closely by my wife bursts into the room and gives me a big kiss.
Me: “Am I a wizard?”
Her: “Yes, darling, you are a wizard.”
I add some additional code to the start of the “Clear Dates” button:
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000,'Sorry, this function
has been disabled.');
Life is good.