Customising a Navigation List
I like the “Vertical Images List” in APEX, which allows me to create a navigation bar of icons to give users quick access to various pages in my site. It’s easy to customise each item – you can select any image, add attributes for the image if necessary, and each item in the list has a URL which can point to another page in the application, or to an arbitrary URL.
My problem, however, was that some of the URLs in my list took the user to another site, or opened a PDF, and these would open in the same window. I wanted these particular items to open a new window, but the navigation item properties don’t allow this.
To solve this, I modified the Vertical Images List template, and used one of the User Defined Attributes to add “target=_blank” to the items that I wanted. While I was in there, I made a few tweaks to customise the template further to my liking.
A. Modify the Vertical Images List template.
- Go to Shared Components and open the Templates (under User Interface).
- Scroll down to Vertical Images List (in the Lists category) and open it for editing.
- Modify the Template Definition (WARNING: the code for different Apex templates may differ slightly; you’ll have to use a bit of nouse to customise it to your requirements) – you can add bits like #A01#, #A02#, etc – in my case I’ve used the following convention:
#A01# = extra text to appear below the icon & link;
#A02# = tooltip text for the hyperlink;
#A03# = extra attributes for the link (HTML <A> tag).
I’ve done this in both the “List Template Current” and “List Template Noncurrent” sections.
For example, for “List Template Noncurrent, I’ve modified the template code as follows:
<tr><td><a href=”#LINK#” TITLE=”#A02#” #A03#>
<img src=”#IMAGE_PREFIX##IMAGE#” #IMAGE_ATTR# />#TEXT#</a>
B. Set User Defined Attributes.
- Open the Navigation List for editing (Shared Components -> Navigation -> Lists).
- Open the list item for editing that you wish to customise (or create a new one).
- In User Defined Attributes, attribute 1, add any text you wish to show beneath the link (but not highlighted as part of the ink)
- For attribute 2, add the title you wish to show up as a tooltip.
- For attribute 3, add the html attribute “target=_blank” if you wish this navigation entry to open a new window when invoked.
This is how it looks in a sample application:
If the user clicks on “Address Book”, the “target=_blank” attribute instructs the browser to open in a new window (or tab, in some cases).
27 May 2021 - 4:23 pm
Hello, thank you for sharing information..
please i am search for a way to to do a custom menu when i click on a sub menu it wont change the page but will hid a region and show other .. is that possible??
Jeffrey Kemp
27 May 2021 - 5:28 pm
Hi Latifa,
You could do this by creating a javascript function on your page, e.g.
, and calling it from the URL in the menu item, e.g.javascript:switchRegions()
.You would need to put a unique static ID on each region, e.g.
, and then you can hide and show it using$("#myRegion").hide()