AUSOUG Conference 2009 Day One
It was great to catch up with former colleagues at the conference today. As I go from site to site I’m gradually collecting more and more former colleagues and it’s great to hear how they’re going and what they’re working on.
Howard Ong gave a good review of Oracle’s new Data Modeller. Sounds like it’s got a lot of promise – but it’s very new and misses some features (e.g. support for functions, procedures with parameters, packages, and DDL change script generation) that I’d expect in an Oracle CASE tool.
Ray Tindall with Penny Cookson showed how a variety of javascript libraries (Apexlib, ExtJS, JQuery) can be integrated into APEX, and what features they provide. Personally I’d prefer to wait until they come out of the box in APEX 4.0, but for now the options available look good.
I was happy to see a good level of interest in Python at my talk after lunch. If you’re here because you want to have a peek at all the slides I skipped, you can view or download it from here [Python_and_Oracle_Fast.pdf].
Unfortunately I had to leave soon after that to pick up my car from the autoelectrician, tomorrow I should be able to stay all day.